are the DOD IP (9,16) addresses
11/11/2017 is 365 days (there's that missing 1 year!) before 11/11/2018
11/11/2017 + 916 days=
Now, remember, 2020 was a leap year.
05/15/2020 with the leap day included, was 916 days after 11/11/2017.
05/15/2020 with the leap day EXCLUDED, was 915 days after 11/11/2017
915 "interesting isn't it"....iii
Godfather III
The supercomputer! Multiple meanings. Pope as well.
05/15/2020 with the leap day included = 136th day of the year (central banks drops posted 1 m 36 s between each other...and 136 is the second Central Banks drop)
05/15/2020 with the leap day EXCLUDED = 135th day of the year. Drop 135 is the first Central Banks drop