📚 A small (but big) step for the Department of Architecture and Design Together, changing our University is possible!
🔍 WANTED: Students willing to step up and improve the DAD and DIST Departments On 22.11, we presented a motion to the Department Council of Architecture and Design (DAD). Here are the issues raised and the responses received:
Overall, the motion was very well received, and the Department showed great willingness to collaborate.
🏛 SPACES We the mapping of unused spaces within the facilities to make them available to students, the installation of microwaves at the Valentino location, and the involvement of students in designing the new DAD headquarters (which will be operational in 2027) at Torino Esposizioni.
→ The mapping of spaces is already underway, thanks to the DAD Space Commission.
→ It is possible to report needs and issues regarding spaces by emailing
[email protected]. Andrea Longhi is the Professor responsible for the spaces at the Valentino Castle and can be contacted for suggestions or requests.
→ The inclusion of microwaves, being a relatively simple intervention, was positively received by the Department, which will evaluate the possibility of adding them.
Finally, and extremely importantly:
→ The Department promised to include a student representative in the mapping of needs for the new DAD headquarters at Torino Esposizioni, a project currently being managed by the Masterplan Group, which until now had not planned to involve the student community.
Perhaps this is the most significant result: for the first time, student needs will be considered in the creation of our learning spaces!
If you’d like to join a group of active students and share your input, reach out to us on Instagram (alterpolis) or Telegram (infopolito).
🌿 Another big win for the Department involves sustainability! 📄 RECYCLED PAPER Given the extensive use of paper for revisions and exams, we asked the Department to adopt virtuous solutions to ensure proper recovery and recycling of materials, collaborating with local organizations that recycle paper and raising awareness on the topic.
→ The proposal was enthusiastically accepted by the Department, and an initial meeting has already taken place between the Department, a student representative, a member of the EcoPoli student team (focused on sustainability), Paola Biglia (Head of the University Sustainability Service), and Patrizia Lombardi (Vice-Rector for Sustainable Campus and Living Lab).
→ During this meeting, the University expressed its intention to involve a student representative in designing this project through a working group.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to step up, share their ideas, and make a positive contribution without requiring too much time!
🎓 These invitations, given the shared spaces and similar courses, are also open to DIST students.
💪 These steps forward demonstrate the importance of taking concrete action to improve our University and show that together, students can have a positive impact to build a better University!
Contact us if you are part of DAD or DIST to step up and share your voice—let’s build a group of active students together!
Fill the form and tell us your requests for the new Torino Esposizioni spaces (DAD-DIST)