Welcome to "شمعة أمل"! This Telegram channel, managed by the username @almahdyamly313, was created on the 14th of Ramadan in the year 2020. The channel's goal is to inspire and empower Muslims to become educated media professionals. As the famous martyr, Sayyid Abbas Al-Mousawi once said, 'When every Muslim becomes a media literate, then we will be the best nation brought forth for mankind.' Join us on this journey of enlightenment and empowerment. Together, let's strive to be the change we want to see in the world. For communication and exchange, feel free to contact us through @Alno0rbot. Let's shine bright and spread hope like a beacon in the darkness. ✨🦋
27 Jan, 19:39
25 Jan, 18:00
24 Jan, 15:16
24 Jan, 15:09
21 Jan, 15:04
17 Jan, 14:57
15 Jan, 15:11
15 Jan, 14:49
14 Jan, 18:51
13 Jan, 14:23
13 Jan, 14:22
12 Jan, 17:50
11 Jan, 13:15
02 Jan, 20:18
02 Jan, 20:18
31 Dec, 14:59
31 Dec, 14:53
22 Dec, 18:39
22 Dec, 09:05
21 Dec, 14:55
21 Dec, 13:08
21 Dec, 13:08
19 Dec, 15:11
14 Dec, 17:23
28 Nov, 17:13
28 Nov, 01:56
14 Nov, 13:49
14 Nov, 13:16
11 Nov, 09:49
11 Nov, 09:46
29 Oct, 00:01
27 Oct, 21:52
26 Oct, 18:23
23 Oct, 20:11
23 Oct, 16:01
23 Oct, 15:10
23 Oct, 15:09
23 Oct, 02:50
21 Oct, 22:01
20 Oct, 19:05
19 Oct, 19:25
18 Oct, 08:02