اني اريدك ضَل اليه
ماردتنِي وچَان كل العيب منِي
ماحسبت حسَابك حساب البقِية
تحبني وتحبهم عليه .
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'حين تغادر' managed by the username @ali_mankhi. This channel is a platform for sharing insightful and thought-provoking posts that revolve around the theme of leaving. The title itself translates to 'When You Leave', setting the tone for the content you can expect to find here. The description 'حين تغادر، غادر كاملاً حتى لا تتمزق أكثر بين الذهاب والعودة' hints at the deep and reflective nature of the posts that will be shared. The channel aims to explore the concept of departure in its various forms, encouraging followers to reflect on the significance of leaving and the impact it has on one's life. If you appreciate introspective musings and poetic reflections on the act of leaving, 'حين تغادر' is the perfect channel for you. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and contemplation, where every post is a reminder to leave wholeheartedly and avoid being torn between departure and return.
12 Jan, 01:38
22 Dec, 22:17
19 Dec, 20:21
10 Dec, 23:45
06 Dec, 22:31
04 Dec, 22:34
30 Nov, 22:06
26 Nov, 03:00
11 Nov, 20:11
01 Nov, 15:15
23 Oct, 09:30
08 Oct, 23:30
04 Oct, 18:18