сколько раз тебе случалось видеть, как рассеиваются грозовые тучи и как ночной мрак сменяется светом нового дня? Так же уйдут и постигшие тебя испытания и трудности, и на смену трудностям придёт благополучие.
Welcome to MEDINA, a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the rich culture and history of the ancient city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. Led by the knowledgeable admins with usernames @al_sabar and @nmediina, this channel is a hub for anyone interested in learning more about the sacred city and its significance in Islamic history. From sharing fascinating facts about the Prophet's Mosque to highlighting key landmarks like Quba Mosque and Mount Uhud, MEDINA offers a virtual journey through one of the holiest cities in Islam. Join us as we delve into the spiritual and architectural wonders of Medina, uncovering hidden gems and timeless traditions along the way. Whether you're a history buff, a religious scholar, or simply curious about this historic city, MEDINA is the perfect place to expand your knowledge and appreciation of Medina's rich heritage.
26 Jan, 08:53
17 Jan, 20:48
10 Jan, 22:14
07 Jan, 15:34
02 Jan, 14:03
01 Jan, 15:28
28 Dec, 07:52
20 Dec, 06:25
19 Dec, 21:38
15 Dec, 07:13
12 Dec, 21:22
05 Dec, 20:28
04 Dec, 18:53
08 Nov, 11:00
07 Nov, 18:43
26 Oct, 19:47
17 Oct, 16:14
16 Oct, 09:59
07 Oct, 09:34
05 Oct, 18:06