Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0 @akmalakhmedjanov Channel on Telegram

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0


Band 9.0 holder (W8; S9)

Holder of Bachelor’s degree in Foreign languages

Holder of Master's degree in Foreign languages

Co-founder of Millennium IELTS School(Akhmedjanov's Branch)
Contact number: +998936854321

Contact: @Akmal_Akhmedjanov

Promotional Article for Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5 (English)

Are you looking to achieve a high score in the IELTS exam? Look no further - Akmal Akhmedjanov is here to help you reach your goals! With an impressive IELTS score of 8.5, Akmal is a true expert in the field of English language proficiency testing. Holding a Bachelor's degree as well as a Master's degree in Foreign languages, Akmal has the knowledge and experience to guide you towards success.

As the co-founder of Millennium IELTS School (Akhmedjanov's Branch), Akmal has dedicated his career to helping students like you improve their English skills and pass the IELTS exam with flying colors. Whether you need assistance with writing, speaking, listening, or reading, Akmal can provide you with the tools and resources you need to excel.

With a contact number listed as +998936854321 and a Telegram handle @Akmal_Akhmedjanov, Akmal is readily available to answer any questions you may have about his services. Don't hesitate to reach out and start your journey towards IELTS success today with Akmal Akhmedjanov!

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

30 Jan, 13:42

Guess the movie?

Don’t google!

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

30 Jan, 11:53

Do you agree?

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Jan, 16:25

Mock testimiz haqida fikrlar

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Jan, 13:21

Results of the mock


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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Jan, 12:19

Can you guess the movie ?

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

28 Jan, 09:52

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive #twentyfive #CDI


Band score: 7.5

Prep time with us: 5 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

28 Jan, 09:52

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive #twentyfive #CDI


Band score: 7.5

Prep time with us: about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov & Dilnoza

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

28 Jan, 09:51

Cooking time 🔥

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

28 Jan, 08:27

#Qabul #foundation

🗓Haftada 7 kunlik intensive darslar
🔼Daraja: Starter
⚪️Dars soati : 9:00-11:00

Qisqa vaqt ichida yuqori natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, tezroq ro’yxatdan o’ting


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

25 Jan, 15:42

Keyingi hafta bo’ladigan mockimizga qabul ochiq .

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

25 Jan, 06:33

Ertaga bo’ladigan mockimizga joylar allaqachon to’lib bo’ldi, lekin ko’pgina talablarga binoan keyingi hafta 2-fevralda ham mock test bo’lib o’tadi. Shoshiling, joylar soni chegaralangan

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

24 Jan, 06:05

IDP has increased their fees:

Please be informed that, effective from January 21st, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
Transfer - 605 000 sum
EOR 1 510 000 sum
OSR - 1 620 000 sum

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

23 Jan, 17:36

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣🔤0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 26-Yanvar

So’nggi registratsiya: 25-Yanvar soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

23 Jan, 03:47

⚠️Only several seats left ⚠️

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

22 Jan, 18:14

Anyone watching GALAXY UNPACKED?

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

21 Jan, 03:24

#Qabul #foundation

🗓Haftada 7 kunlik intensive darslar
🔼Daraja: Beginner
⚪️Dars soati : 2-4p.m

Qisqa vaqt ichida yuqori natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, tezroq ro’yxatdan o’ting


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

19 Jan, 14:41

#Qabul #foundation

🗓Haftada 7 kunlik intensive darslar
🔼Daraja: Pre-Intermediate
⚪️Dars soati : 4-6p.m

Qisqa vaqt ichida yuqori natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, tezroq ro’yxatdan o’ting


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

19 Jan, 05:43

Love this quote

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

16 Jan, 08:42

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣🔤0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 26-Yanvar

So’nggi registratsiya: 25-Yanvar soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

14 Jan, 17:32

‼️Millennium IELTS SCHOOL (kritiy branch) - 2025-yilgi qabul ochiq! ‼️

Biz quyidagi yo'nalishlar bo'yicha guruhlarga qabulni boshladik:

✔️Foundation (boshlang’ich daraja)
✔️Pre-IELTS (Issues, Resource, Test bank)
✔️IELTS (ELS & Practice)
✔️CEFR (Multilevel)

🗓Dars Jadvali:

5-8 sinflar uchun: haftada 3 kunlik mashg'ulotlar
9- sinf va undan yuqori sinflar uchun: haftada 6 kunlik intensiv darslar

2024-yilning natijalarni quyidagi havola orqali ko’ra olasiz

🔣2024-yil natijalari🔣

Guruhlarga yozilish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:

📞 +998 93 685 43 21
📞 +998 55 310 11 12

✈️ @millennium2admin | Contacts

📱 Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

14 Jan, 09:59

🇺🇿 14-yanvar – Vatan himoyachilari kuni

👨🏻‍✈️ Bugun yurtimizda nafaqat askar va harbiy xizmatchilar, balki barcha yigit va erkaklar bayrami! Sizlar – oila, Vatan va jamiyatimiz tayanchi, himoyachisi va faxrisiz! 

🙂 Shu kunda barcha mard yigitlarga mustahkam sog‘lik, baxt, omad va zafarlar tilaymiz! Sizning fidokorligingiz va matonatingiz tufayli yuraklarda ishonch va qalblarda g‘urur bor.

🎉 Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin!

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

12 Jan, 02:51

The graph shows the incidence of involuntary part time workers.

Imagine having this chart as your task 1 in the real exam😄

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

11 Jan, 16:42

#Qabul #CEFR #multilevel

🗓Haftada 7 kunlik intensive darslar
🚩Davomiyligi : 4 oy
🔼Daraja: Resource
⚪️Dars soati : 9:00- 11:00

Qisqa vaqt ichida yuqori natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, tezroq ro’yxatdan o’ting


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

11 Jan, 06:24

Today is the last day to get registered for the upcoming mock

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Jan, 12:16

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣🔤0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 12-Yanvar

So’nggi registratsiya: 11-Yanvar soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

06 Jan, 12:27

🎯Millenniumning TOP Natijalari – 2024
Yilning yuksak yutuqlari biz bilan!

🌟 Band 8.0 - 10 talaba
🌟 Band 7.5 - 55 talaba
🌟 Band 7.0 - 90 talaba

🏅 Marvaridbonu Komilova – Band 8.5
📋 Listening: 8.5 | Reading: 9.0 | Writing: 7.0 | Speaking: 8.5

🏅 Akmal Akhmedjanov – Band 9.0
📋 Listening: 9.0 | Reading: 9.0 | Writing: 8.0 | Speaking: 9.0

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

06 Jan, 05:43

A bit of statistics

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

03 Jan, 16:21

‼️Millennium IELTS SCHOOL (kritiy branch) - 2025-yilgi qabul ochiq! ‼️

Biz quyidagi yo'nalishlar bo'yicha guruhlarga qabulni boshladik:

✔️Foundation (boshlang’ich daraja)
✔️Pre-IELTS (Issues, Resource, Test bank)
✔️IELTS (ELS & Practice)
✔️CEFR (Multilevel)

🗓Dars Jadvali:

5-8 sinflar uchun: haftada 3 kunlik mashg'ulotlar
9- sinf va undan yuqori sinflar uchun: haftada 6 kunlik intensiv darslar

2024-yilning natijalarni quyidagi havola orqali ko’ra olasiz

🔣2024-yil natijalari🔣

Guruhlarga yozilish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:

📞 +998 93 685 43 21
📞 +998 55 310 11 12

✈️ @millennium2admin | Contacts

📱 Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

31 Dec, 17:28

🎉 Wrapping Up an Incredible Year at Millennium IELTS center (Akhmedjanov's Branch) 🎉

As we close the chapter of 2024, we couldn’t be prouder of the amazing journey we’ve shared together. This year has been nothing short of phenomenal, thanks to the collective efforts of our dedicated team and hardworking students.

📊 Our 2024 Highlights:

BAND 9 x 1 🥇 (me)
Band 8 x 6 🚀
Band 7,5 x 26 ⚡️
Band 7 x 32 🔥
Band 6,5 x 19 😎
Band 6 x 6 🗿

🔹CEFR Results 🔹
B2 x 25 🔥
C1 x 1 🚀

🙏 A Heartfelt Thank You:
💼 To Our Staff Members: Your behind-the-scenes efforts keep everything running seamlessly, ensuring every student gets the best experience.
🎓 To Our Teachers: Your dedication, expertise, and encouragement have been the backbone of our students’ success.
👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 To Our Students: Your hard work, perseverance, and trust in us have made this year unforgettable.

This year, we’ve proven that together, we can achieve great results. As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to continue helping more students reach their IELTS goals and beyond.

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

31 Dec, 16:31

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive #twentyfour


Band score: 7.5

Listening 9🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina & Xadicha

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

31 Dec, 16:31

As the year comes to a close, I’m thrilled to share the final result of 2024

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

31 Dec, 12:00

2024- yilda qilgan barcha RESOLUTIONlarga erishdingizmi?

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

28 Dec, 16:58

📈 Annual Partner Meeting 2024

💥 22-dekabr kuni bo'lib o'tgan tadbirda yuzlab hamkor o'quv markazlar qatnashdi va turli xil nominatsiyalar bo'yicha taqdirlandi.

🚀Shu bilan birga 2024-yilgi natijalar va kelajak rejalari muhokama qilindi.

⚡️2025-yilda IELTS topshirishni maqsad qilganlar bormi, izohda + qoldiring)


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

27 Dec, 11:51

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Speaking 7.0🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina & Xadicha

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

25 Dec, 11:41

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Despite being 14 years old, he achieved B2 level in the exam of Multilevel in three-month time with C1 on listening section 🔥Good job Mironshoh.Keep working hard!

Prep time with us: about 4 months

Teacher: Charos Fayzulloyeva & Soli Anorov

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

24 Dec, 10:24

⚡️ 2025-yilning 1-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yanvar, fevral, mart, aprel va may oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar my.gov.uz sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📍 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

23 Dec, 08:03

As we wrap up another incredible year, we are proud to share that Millennium has been recognized as The Most Efficient Learning Center! This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion we pour into everything we do.

But most importantly, it’s all thanks to you, our amazing students! Your trust, commitment, and support inspire us every day to strive for excellence.

Thank you for being a part of the Millennium family. Here’s to more success and growth together!

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Dec, 13:28

Kudos on achieving this incredible score, buddy! Parviz Tuksanov

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Dec, 13:27

The first and youngest in Uzb (not a superscore).

With the superscore, Bobur receives the credit.

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

18 Dec, 07:03

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
📌Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

📌Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

📌Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣,0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

📌Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 22-Dekabr

So’nggi registratsiya: 20-dekabr soat 17:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

18 Dec, 06:43

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

15 Dec, 10:09

CDI 15.12.2024

Writing task 1

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

14 Dec, 07:06

🎓 IELTS Results Among Uzbek Youth

The achievements of our students in the international IELTS exam are becoming increasingly impressive. Uzbek youth continue to demonstrate a high level of knowledge and a strong commitment to meeting global education standards.

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

13 Dec, 16:31

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Writing 7.0 🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Khadicha & Sadoqat

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

13 Dec, 16:27

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

13 Dec, 16:27

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Speaking 7.0🔥

Prep time with us:about 8 months (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 11:30

All credits go to Diyorbek IELTS

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 11:29

Part 4 from the marathon

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 11:29

Today's passage 2 is from Reading Marathon 8

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 11:29

Listening titles ⬇️

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 05:13


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 05:13

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

07 Dec, 04:58

Lately, I’ve noticed that many students are getting too caught up in predictions shared in certain Telegram channels. What I want to say to them is this: the best prediction you can rely on is believing in yourself. If you’ve put in the effort, worked hard, and done your best, it’s impossible to fail.


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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

06 Dec, 10:16

Some of the former students of mine dropped by and shared snippets of their lives.

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

05 Dec, 06:04

Millennium - It’s Not Just About Hard Work and Discipline, It’s About Fun and Sweet Memories.

#Ferocious #memories

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

02 Dec, 15:47


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

02 Dec, 08:04

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣🔤0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 8-Dekabr

So’nggi registratsiya: 7-dekabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

02 Dec, 07:30

IDP has increased their fees:

Test Fee: 2,400,000 UZS
Transfer: 600,000 UZS
EOR (Enquiry on Results): 1,490,000 UZS
OSR (One Skill Retake): 1,600,000 UZS

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

01 Dec, 18:45

From Band 1 to band 9

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

01 Dec, 14:40

It is these moments that make life truly meaningful!

Tenacious, I love you guys 💪❤️

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

01 Dec, 05:09

The song that always gives goosebumps

Share your favorite song for the gym

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

01 Dec, 04:55

This is how a normal morning should start. 🌅

#staytough #comeback #healthyroutine

Leave your versions of a perfect morning in the comments 👇

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

30 Nov, 17:47

E43 Trailer - Akmal Akhmedjanov🎙

Stay tuned for the full release🔔

🌐Ad Astra🌐




Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

30 Nov, 12:28

Idp paper based 30.11.2024


The chart below shows the results of three surveys on absenteeism in a particular European country in the years 2000, 2005 and

TASK 2: Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about news. However, others believe that they can learn news more effectively through other media.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

30 Nov, 08:42

Real exam Passage 2

Answers are in the comment section

#realexam #reading

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Nov, 17:21

#pie #trend #task1

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Nov, 17:21

The pie charts illustrate the percentages of energy generated from various sources in a particular country in 1985 and 2003.

Overall, Oil remained the dominant energy source in both years, despite a notable decline in its share, while other renewables consistently accounted for the smallest proportion. All categories experienced changes except for Hydro, which maintained a stable percentage over the period.

In 1985, Oil was the primary source of energy, contributing just over half of the total output (52%). Nuclear energy ranked second, accounting for 22%, which was approximately half the proportion of Oil. Natural gas and Coal together constituted a smaller share, at 13% and 8%, respectively. Hydro represented 4%, while other renewable sources accounted for a negligible 1%.

By 2003, the share of energy derived from Oil had decreased significantly to 40%, a reduction of 12 percentage points. Similarly, the contribution of Nuclear energy declined sharply by 14 percentage points, dropping to just 8%. In contrast, the proportions of Natural gas and Coal rose substantially, with Natural gas increasing by 10 percentage points to 23% and Coal almost doubling to 22%. The share of other renewables increased modestly to 4%, while Hydro remained unchanged at 4% throughout the period.

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

29 Nov, 09:55

Today I will share several samples of Materials that I'm going to share when we reach 3k

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 07:37

share this post with your friends, and whenever we reach 3k, I will start sharing materials

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 07:29

I’ve been caught up working on improving my score and helping my students prepare for IELTS. But now that I’ve hit a huge milestone and scored a 9, I’m excited to get back online and start sharing tips and insights about IELTS!

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

27 Nov, 04:40

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣🔤0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 8-Dekabr

So’nggi registratsiya: 7-dekabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

21 Nov, 06:23

Want to register? Just text @Millennium2Admin!

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

21 Nov, 06:21

Been so busy with scores and teaching that I almost forgot—we’ve got a MOCK TEST this week! It’s a great chance to meet me in person and get some tips to boost your Speaking and Writing. Don’t miss it!

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 17:15

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0 pinned «🔗 Below, you'll find a list of files available for download. Click on the respective links to access these valuable resources: Books IELTS JOURNAL PACK (R/L/W/S) SIMON WRITING PACK (T1/T2) Get ready for IELTS pack IELTS READING STRATEGIES Grammarway pack…»

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 17:13

Va'da berilganidek, ROADMAP , lekin bu yerda faqatgina 20-30% ma'lumot, ertaga to'liq tugatishga harakat qilaman

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 17:12

🔗 Below, you'll find a list of files available for download. Click on the respective links to access these valuable resources:

Get ready for IELTS pack
Grammarway pack
Barron's Writing
Longman Grammar Practice series
Destination Serious

Advanced grammar
1200 common words for LISTENING
Hyphenated wordlist
Pronunciation of -ED
Difference between B7 and B9 in Writing

Basic Listening
Listening Strategies
Succeed in IELTS
Lessons for IELTS listening

Past exam materials
Reading -1
Reading- 2
Writing T1

Liz advanced writing course FULL

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 08:33

For new subscribers of my channel, I will provide a roadmap to all useful materials shared here previously

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

20 Nov, 08:10

Best comments I have ever received 😅👍

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

18 Nov, 17:08

Channel name was changed to «Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9»

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

18 Nov, 16:56


🎉 I think that was the shortest journey to a band 9.0! 🚀

Only 4 attempts were required to achieve this score since I got my first score

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

18 Nov, 16:48

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #eight


Band score: 8

Speaking and writing🔥

⚡️0,5 to 8,5⚡️

Prep time with us: about 5-6 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

16 Nov, 11:57


#writing #examquestion

📊 TASK 1: The table below shows the percentage of men and women employed in four different types of industries in one twon in 1990, 2000, and 2010.

📝 TASK 2: Older generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thought and behaviour. Most people argue that these are not helpful for younger generations to prepare for modern life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

16 Nov, 11:55



#reading #examquestion

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

13 Nov, 07:36

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari IELTSdan yuqori natijali professional ustozlar tomonidan tekshiriladi (Writing 🩵🩵🩵-Speaking 🩵ball)

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 24-Noyabr

So’nggi registratsiya 23-noyabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 17:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 6-7 months (Foundation included)

Teacher: Sabina Zikirova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:41

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 3 months

Teacher: Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:39

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 4 months

Teacher: Marjona & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:39

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 11-12 months (Foundation included)

Teacher: Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:38

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 11-12 months (Foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:37

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 4 months

Teacher: Marjona & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:36

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 5-6 months(Foundation included)

Teacher: Marjona & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:35

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Prep time with us: about 11-12 months (Foundation included)

Teacher: Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

12 Nov, 16:35


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:12

08/11/2024 SUMMARY 🔥

6️⃣🔤5️⃣ 5️⃣🔤🚀
7️⃣🔤0️⃣5️⃣🔤 🔥
7️⃣🔤5️⃣ 5️⃣🔤⚡️

#summary #2024

Millennium | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Writing 7🔥

Prep time with us: about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Xadicha Ismatilloyeva & Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Prep time with us: about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Sabina Zikirova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Speaking 🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Xadicha Ismatilloyeva & Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpoinrtfive


Band score: 7,5

Reading 9/ Writing 7🔥

Prep time with us: about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Sabina Zikirova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:04

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Writing 7🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Xadicha Ismatilloyeva & Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:01


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:00

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score: 7

Prep time with us:about 7 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:00

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score: 7

Prep time with us: about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Sabina Zikirova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

08 Nov, 10:00

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score: 7

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

01 Nov, 08:00

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #eight


Band score: 8.0

Writing 7🔥

Prep time with us: 4-5 months

I quite vividly remember his first mock test, scoring around 25, and now he’s a testament to the saying, ‘hard work pays off.’ It’s truly inspiring to see him go from a 6-6.5 to a solid band 8 in such a short time, with no section below 7. A big achievement that speaks volumes about dedication and perseverance!

P.S: I am proud of you, buddy. You did it

Teacher: Soli Anorov

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

31 Oct, 03:13

#🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 checking service

❗️❗️❗️Achieve your target IELTS Writing score with our exclusive Essay Checking Service by Teacher Parvina, a certified band 8.0 holder with a writing score of 7.5❗️
Get personalized feedback on grammar, coherence, vocabulary, and task achievement📄

Wondering what score your essay would get

Now you can find out❗️❗️Get your essays checked and take your writing to the next level. Don’t wait—unlock your potential and get closer to your dream score today!


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

28 Oct, 15:12

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari IELTSdan yuqori natijali professional ustozlar tomonidan tekshiriladi (Writing 🩵🩵🩵-Speaking 🩵ball)

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 10-Noyabr

So’nggi registratsiya 9-noyabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

26 Oct, 11:59

Answers of both Reading and Listening

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

26 Oct, 11:58

Passage 3

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

26 Oct, 11:57

Todays passage 1

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

26 Oct, 07:47

Several seats left.... Today is the last to get registered to authentic mock

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

24 Oct, 06:15

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari IELTSdan yuqori natijali professional ustozlar tomonidan tekshiriladi (Writing 🩵🩵🩵-Speaking 🩵ball)

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 27-Oktabr.

So’nggi registratsiya 26-oktabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 12:06

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #eight


Band score: 8.0

SPEAKING 8.5🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Prep time with us: about 2 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 12:01

Someone bring FIRE EXTINGUISHER 🔥🔥🔥

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 12:00

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #eight


Band score: 8.0

Writing 7🔥

Prep time with us: about 8 months

Teacher: Zikirova Sabina

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 11:38


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 11:31

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score: 7

0,5 short of 7,5

Prep time with us: 5 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 11:27

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score: 7

Prep time with us:  9  months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov and Sharipova Parvina

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 10:20

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven


Band score:

Prep time with us: 11-12 months

Starting point : Starter

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov and Parvina Sharipova

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 10:15


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 10:14

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sixpointfive


Band score: 6.5

Prep time with us: about 1 year

Starting point: Starter

Although the score isn’t as high as we had hoped, it’s more than enough for her to get into the university. Plus, her speaking was really underestimated, as she used to score much higher in class.

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov and Parvina

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

23 Oct, 10:13


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

20 Oct, 12:41

📢I’m excited to announce that I’ll be starting new IELTS groups on November 1, and we’ll be holding a mock test to help you get a head start.

This group is open to students at an ELS level or Book (PRE-IELTS) or anyone who places in the top 10 of the mock test.

📝 The mock will be held in two parts:
1. Reading/Listening Test
2. Speaking Interview

You can also check out the results of our last group and my own IELTS score in the picture to get a sense of the level of preparation you’ll receive.

🔗 If you’re interested, register now to save your spot and take the first step toward achieving your IELTS goals!

📅 Mock test date: 27.10.2024
📍 Location: Millennium IELTS school (Akhmedjanov's branch)

For more information, feel free to message @Millennium2admin or leave a comment below!

Phone: +998936854321

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Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 13:08

Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

Writing va Speaking testlari IELTSdan yuqori natijali professional ustozlar tomonidan tekshiriladi (Writing 🩵🩵🩵-Speaking 🩵ball)

Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 27-Oktabr.

So’nggi registratsiya 26-oktabr soat 12:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 11:02

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Writting 7 🔥

0,5 short of 8

Prep time with us: about 1,5 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 11:01

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Reading 8,5 🔥

Prep time with us: about 3 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 10:59

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive


Band score: 7.5

Speaking 7 🔥

Prep time with us: about 1,5 months

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 10:51


Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 8,5

18 Oct, 10:49

Remember Parizod, who scored a 6.5 on her IELTS? Well, she felt confident in her writing skills and believed her score was underestimated. So, we applied for an Enquiry on Results (EOR) – and guess what? Her writing score has been upgraded which changed her overall score to a band 7

A great example of perseverance paying off! If you believe in your skills, sometimes it’s worth double-checking. 💪

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