MICROBIOLOGY - AIM4PG @aim4pgmicrobiology Channel on Telegram



This FREE MICROBIOLOGY group will be managed by-
Professor , DCMS

Doctor will post mcq , notes , images & important topis related to MICROBIOLOGY

For asking query/doubts post in group-


Are you passionate about the world of MICROBIOLOGY? Do you want to expand your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the field? Look no further than the MICROBIOLOGY - AIM4PG Telegram channel! Managed by Dr. MD KHALEEL, a Professor at DCMS in Hyd, this FREE group is dedicated to all things MICROBIOLOGY.

Join this channel to gain access to a wealth of resources including MCQs, notes, images, and important topics related to MICROBIOLOGY. Whether you are a student looking to ace your exams or a professional seeking to enhance your expertise, this channel has something for everyone.

Have questions or doubts that you need clarification on? Simply post them in the group and get all the help you need from Dr. MD KHALEEL and fellow members. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and take your knowledge of MICROBIOLOGY to new heights! Join MICROBIOLOGY - AIM4PG today by clicking on the following link: https://t.me/aim4pg