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Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

05 Mar, 20:18


On this night in 1867, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, under the leadership of Thomas J. Kelly launched an armed uprising against British Rule in Ireland.

The Fenian's issued a Proclamation to the Irish People outlining the aims and objectives of the Armed struggle for National Liberation.

This document remains as revolutionary as when it was issued and we proudly republish it today:



We have suffered centuries of outrage, enforced poverty, and bitter misery. Our rights and liberties have been trampled on by an alien aristocracy, who, treating us as foes, usurped our lands and drew away from our unfortunate country all material riches. The real owners of the soil were removed to make room for cattle, and driven across the ocean to seek the means of living, and the political rights denied to them at home, while our men of thought and action were condemned to loss of life and liberty. But we never lost the memory and hope of a national existence. We appealed in vain to the reason and sense of justice of the dominant powers.

Our mildest remonstrances were met with sneers and contempt. Our appeals to arms were always unsuccessful.

Today, having no honourable alternative left, we again appeal to force as our last resource. We accept the conditions of appeal, manfully deeming it better to die in the struggle for freedom than to continue an existence of utter serfdom.

All men are born with equal rights, and in associating together to protect one another and share public burdens, justice demands that such associations should rest upon a basis which maintains equality instead of destroying it.

We therefore declare that, unable longer to endure the curse of Monarchical Government, we aim at founding a Republic based on universal suffrage, which shall secure to all the intrinsic value of their labour.

The soil of Ireland, at present in the possession of an oligarchy, belongs to us, the Irish people, and to us it must be restored.
We declare also in favour of absolute liberty of conscience, and the complete separation of Church and State.

We appeal to the Highest Tribunal for evidence of the justice of our cause. History bears testimony to the intensity of our sufferings, and we declare, in the face of our brethren, that we intend no war against the people of England — our war is against the aristocratic locusts, whether English or Irish, who have eaten the verdure of our fields — against the aristocratic leeches who drain alike our blood and theirs.

Republicans of the entire world, our cause is your cause. Our enemy is your enemy. Let your hearts be with us. As for you, workmen of England, it is not only your hearts we wish, but your arms. Remember the starvation and degradation brought to your firesides by the oppression of labour.

Remember the past, look well to the future, and avenge yourselves by giving liberty to your children in the coming struggle for human freedom.
Herewith we proclaim the Irish Republic.

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

05 Mar, 18:29


The Shadow of the Imperialist Gunman looms over Ireland.

Say No To NATO and an EU Army!

In their attempts to curry favour with their masters, the 26 County administration is hellbent on forcing the Irish people into NATO or an E.U. Army.

This is despite the overwhelming opposition of the Irish people to further militarisation and imperialist war.

Joining NATO or an EU Army means Irish working class men and women dragged off to die in foreign conflicts to enrich a small set of imperialists.

It means putting Ireland at risk of retaliation from the countless enemies of Europe, Britain and the USA.

This campaign has nothing to do with ensuring the "security" or sovereignty of the Irish nation and everything to do with deepening the imperialist dominance over our country, already partitioned and occupied by a NATO power - Britain.

All Republicans, Socialists and Progressives must fight tooth and nail against this latest war against the Irish people and their sovereignty.
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

05 Mar, 16:14


"It is a noble thing to die for one's country. It is a useful thing to kill for one's country. If you can't be noble, just be useful!"

Today Anti Imperialist Action Ireland proudly remembers Óglach George Plant, Óglaigh na h-Éireann, Tipperary, who was executed on this day in 1942 by a Free State Firing Squad.

A veteran of the tan war, the war in defence of the Republic and the 1940s campaign, George Plant gave his life for the freedom of Ireland and a proud and unrepentant Republican Soldier.

Fuair sé bás ar son saoirse na h-Éireann
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

05 Mar, 15:00


Republicans in Askeston, Limerick have been on the ground demanding freedom for Seán Walsh and an end to the Extradition of All Irish Republicans.

The Free State has interned Seán Walsh in Portlaoise for 4 years, at the behest of an Extradition order issued by MI5 that would see Seán sent to occupied Ireland, where he would face torture.

Seáns case is currently before the European Courts and a judgement is expected soon.

Anti Imperialist Action demands the Freedom of Seán Walsh Now!
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

05 Mar, 10:44


The Diary of Bobby Sands- Day 5

Thursday 5th
The Welfare sent for me today to inform me of my father being taken ill to hospital. Tried to get me to crawl for a special visit with my family. I was distressed about my father’s illness but relieved that he has been released from hospital. No matter what, I must continue.

I had a threatening toothache today which worried me, but it is gone now.

I’ve read Atkins’ statement in the Commons, Mar dheá! (Atkins pledged that the British government would not budge an inch on its intransigent position.) It does not annoy me because my mind was prepared for such things and I know I can expect more of such, right to the bitter end.

I came across some verse in Kipling’s short stories; the extracts of verses before the stories are quite good. The one that I thought very good went like this:

The earth gave up her dead that tide,

Into our camp he came,

And said his say, and went his way,

And left our hearts aflame.

Keep tally on the gun butt score,

The vengeance we must take,

When God shall bring full reckoning,

For our dead comrade’s sake.

‘I hope not,’ said I to myself. But that hope was not even a hope, but a mere figure of speech. I have hope, indeed. All men must have hope and never lose heart. But my hope lies in the ultimate victory for my poor people. Is there any hope greater than that?

I’m saying prayers — crawler! (and a last minute one, some would say). But I believe in God, and I’ll be presumptuous and say he and I are getting on well this weather.

I can ignore the presence of food staring me straight in the face all the time. But I have this desire for brown wholemeal bread, butter, Dutch cheese and honey. Ha!! It is not damaging me, because, I think, ‘Well, human food can never keep a man alive forever,’ and I console myself with the fact that I’ll get a great feed up above (if I’m worthy).

But then I’m struck by this awful thought that they don’t eat food up there. But if there’s something better than brown wholemeal bread, cheese and honey, etcetera, then it can’t be bad.

The March winds are getting angry tonight, which reminds me that I’m twenty-seven on Monday. I must go, the road is just beginning, and tomorrow is another day. I am now 62 kgs and, in general, mentally and physically, I feel very good.
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

04 Mar, 16:59


The Diary of Bobby Sands- Day 4

Wednesday 4th

Fr Murphy was in tonight. I have not felt too bad today, although I notice the energy beginning to drain. But it is quite early yet. I got showered today and had my hair cut, which made me feel quite good. Ten years younger, the boys joke, but I feel twenty years older, the inevitable consequence of eight years of torture and imprisonment.

I am abreast with the news and view with utter disgust and anger the Reagan/Thatcher plot. It seems quite clear that they intend to counteract Russian expansionism with imperialist expansionism, to protect their vital interests they say.
What they mean is they covet other nations’ resources. They want to steal what they haven’t got and to do so (as the future may unfortunately prove) they will murder oppressed people and deny them their sovereignty as nations. No doubt Mr Haughey will toe the line in Ireland when Thatcher so demands.

Noticed a rarity today: jam with the tea, and by the way the Screws are glaring at the food. They seem more in need of it than my good self.
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

04 Mar, 12:54


Republican Activists Seán Doyle, with a piece on the threat to the environment
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

04 Mar, 11:49


🇮🇪 For A 32 County Irish Socialist Republic 🇮🇪

Join Anti Imperialist Action- Join the Republican Resistance!

Email: [email protected]
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

03 Mar, 19:24


'Over the past week, Republican Activists across Ireland have taken part in coordinated activism against the ongoing internment and extradition of Irish Republicans.

AIA members in all four provinces have been on the streets, engaging with the public and highlighting the campaign. The following is a report from the activism across the country.'
Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

03 Mar, 18:06


Poblactaigh na nDéise ag seasamh i gcoinne eisceadadh agus imtheorannú!

Republican Activists in Waterford highlighted the campaign against the Extradition of All Irish Republicans and particularly Seán Walsh who's will case is before the European courts.

Seán has been interned by the Free State in Portlaoise Prison without crime or trial or crime for four years.

Locals in the area took interest in the leaflet drop with many being supportive of AIA’s campaign!

Saoirse do chách Címí Pobhlachtach 🇮🇪