The latest content shared by Abhinav JJain Official on Telegram
Abhinav JJain Official
09 Jul, 13:26
Hello Doston,
UPSC preparation takes a toll. Remaining focused and consistent is the key!
Keep Going! " Bear the pain of discipline today or Bear the pain of regret in future"
Abhinav JJain Official
08 Jul, 11:02
Hello Doston,
Sharing my UPSC Motivation!
This was there as my wallpaper, as note on study table.
I believe in this statement 1000%. Have faith in yourself and continue moving!
Abhinav JJain Official
07 Jul, 18:02
How to read the newspaper Newspaper reading is always a challenge for any aspirant. I still remember pile of Indian Express staring at me with desperation of picking it up and finishing them.
But many of us don't know how to read it for best results. Most of us : - Prepare short notes from newspaper on daily events - Save articles and highlight it for futre reference - Read it as separate reading material daily...
Unfortunately these are all WRONG WAYS!
Do you know single newspaper daily has enough content for GS, Ethics, Essay and even Optional.Want to know how? Sharing my views on busting myths on newspaper reading. Watch the video below.
Keep Learning!
Abhinav JJain Official
07 Jul, 15:26
Civil Services Mains 2022 DAF - 1 Released
From 06-07-2022 to 15-07-2022 Till 6:00 PM
Abhinav JJain Official
06 Jul, 17:21
10,860 Answer Writing Approach for all GS Papers. Hope it Helps!