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Abhinav JJain Official Telegram Posts

Abhinav JJain Official
AIR 14 UPSC. This is Abhinav J Jain's official channel to connect with friends, followers and aspirants.

Here, he will share his strategy and knowledge bytes for Pre, Mains General Studies and Sociology.
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The latest content shared by Abhinav JJain Official on Telegram

Abhinav JJain Official

22 Dec, 04:18


Puzzled on how to read Newspaper?
A short video on the same - Hope it helps-
Abhinav JJain Official

17 Dec, 18:27


A smarter way to approach Current Affairs for upcoming UPSC interviews:

- Follow any 2 newspapers - IE/TOI/HT
- Watch English news debates (non-political) and try to form own answers on the topic - preferably RSTV/BBC etc
- Make issuewise notes : as pointers for debates : ie less facts more opinion for eg ECI debate : your stand on recent bill (it should be backed by logic/knowledge and then prepare for atleast 2 counter questions)

You can share interview related doubts in comments, will be happy to answer!

Keep hustling, Keep winning!
Abhinav JJain Official

07 Dec, 16:51


Hello friends,
Came across this book - A great way to start an idea : A good introduction for essay!

Remember : Essay is not about facts but flow of ideas!

Keep hustling, Keep winning!
Abhinav JJain Official

28 Aug, 16:45


This way, even from now onwards, you’ll be able to revise whole syllabus atleast twice!
Abhinav JJain Official

28 Aug, 16:44


You might be having your own last days plan. In case feeling lost, my two cents on next 15 days plan.

1. Next 10 days for both GS, Optional and last 5 days only GS

2. Have 3 slots in a day 5-6 Hrs each of GS & Optional, 2-3 Hrs of Ethics

3. 10 Days plan
- Socio : 5 Days each for P1, P2 : further divide each paper topics to be covered daily. Eg 1 thinker + 2 Units Daily
- GS 1,2,3 : Each Paper 3 Days
- GS 4 : Brainstorming Cases/PYQ

4. Just Revise in every slot - Own notes, PYQs, Tests given, CA (if applicable) : Idea is to cover the syllabus

5. Last 5 days (10-14 Sept) : Again revise whole GS
Abhinav JJain Official

28 Aug, 16:43


Hello everyone,

Mains are near. You might be feeling of not remembering anything. You might be anxious of answer writing. You’ll be feeling fearful of not able to complete the paper.

Relax! Don’t panic. Such thoughts are natural.

One approach to tackle these uncertainties is to be certain of your efforts. Prepare broad timetable of what you’ll be studying in next 15 days. Achieve daily targets and master the unknowns with known hard work.

Keep your mind occupied with “To-Dos” and when at the end of the day you tick the daily targets, you’ll feel accomplished and confident.
Abhinav JJain Official

16 Sep, 18:07


I hope you had attempted essay paper well. Time to gear-up for the moment you have been waiting for.

All the very best to each one of you for Mains! You have done exceptionally well. You have put lot of hardwork.💪

Have faith and confidence on yourself!.😇
You can do it and You will do it!
Be happy and give your 100%👍
Abhinav JJain Official

23 Aug, 15:22

Abhinav JJain Official

04 Aug, 03:58


Approach for GS 2 (Contd.)

Social Issues
*Keywordwise notes - Poverty, Hunger, Health, Education, SHG
*5 things - Basic facts, Quote, Issues, Initiatives, Best practices
Eg -
Health -
Facts: IMR, MMR, Covid deaths, doctor ratio etc.
Issues - Primary, Secondary & Tertiary
Initiatives - Ayushman Bharat, Jan Aushadhi
Best Practices - Dr. Samit Sharma - Generic Medicine, Thailand's Insurance Model
Way Ahead - Futuristic- eg. $1 spent on tackling malnutrition gives return of $30

*Facts (trade, initiatives), issues, commonalities
*Subcategorise - Bilateral/Multilateral challenges, Strategic, Technologocal, Economic, Social, Political, Security
*Countrywise - Neighbour, USA, Israel, Japan, Russia, UK, Austr
*Regionwise - West Asia, SEA, Central Asia
Eg. Central Asia - Uranium, Petrol, Bollywood
*Organisationwise - UN, WHO, G20, QUAD, BIMSTEC & SAARC
*India's Foreign Policy - Keywords and evolution
*Prioritise these topics based on Current Affairs

Sharing some notes for reference

All the best!
Keep Hustling, Keep Improving
Abhinav JJain Official

03 Aug, 03:19


Approach for GS 2

- Constitution - FR, DPSP cases and examples
Eg. FR vs DPSP
- Parliament -
* Trends & Graph on criminal parliamentarians, bills
* Parliament Issues with subcategory
* Parliamentarians- Women, Education, criminal
* Functioning - Speaker, Bills voting
* President, PM, Speaker, Governor
* LSG - Go beyond mere points of funds, functions, functionaries - they can act as subcategories - delve deeper into LSG issues, best practices (sangram, sakala), committee

Subcategorisation helps in learning and understanding dimension - even a qtn on speaker, one can write under idea of parliament functioning

Answer Writing
* Extensive use of Quotations/Constitution Articles
* Small diagrams - QJB as middle of Executive & Judiciary

* High link with Ethics paper
* Defn, Issues, Initiatives, Issues
* Use of flowchart and diag eg A/cability and transparency
* Topics - Governance, Good Governance, eGovernance, A/cability, RTI, CC

Attaching my Sample notes for reference