ከእኔ በፊት በግፍ የፈሰሰው ንፁህ የኢትዮጵያዊያን ደም ብዙ ነው፡፡ በአፄ ኃ/ስላሴ ዘመነ መንግስት ግፍ ሽልማት በመሆኑ እኔ ለመሞት የመጀመሪያው ሰው አልሆንም፡፡ ስልጣን አላፊ ነው፤ እናንተ ዛሬ ከጨበጣችሁት የበለጠ ስልጣን ነበረኝ፤ ሀብትም አላጣሁም፡፡ ነገር ግን ህዝብ የሚበደልበት ስልጣንና ድሃ የማይካፈለው ሀብት ስላልፈለግሁ ሁሉንም ንቄ ተነሳሁ፡፡
አሁንም እሞታለሁ፤ ሰው ሞትን ይሸሻል፤ እኔ ግን በደስታ ወደሞት እሄዳለሁ፡፡ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ታላቅነት ቀድመውኝ መስዋዕት የሆኑትንና አብረውኝ ተነስተው የነበሩትን ጀግኖች ወንድሞቼን ለመገናኝት ናፍቄያለሁ፡፡
የጀመርኩት ስራ ቀላል አይደለም፤ አልተሸነፍኩም፡፡ ወገኔ የሆነው ድሃው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የጀመርኩለትን ስራ በቅርብ ጊዜ ውስጥ ፈፅሞ ራሱን በራሱ እንደሚጠቅም አልጠራጠርም፡፡ ከሁሉ በበለጠ የሚያስደስተኝ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ልሰራለት ካሰብኳቸው ስራዎች አንዱ የኢትዮጵያ ወታደር ዋጋና ክብር ከፍ ማድረግ ሲሆን፤ ይህ ሃሳቤና ፍላጎቴ ህይወቴ ከማለፉ በፊት ሲፈፀም ማየቴ ነው፡፡
ዛሬ መኖራችሁን በማየቴ ነገ መሞታችሁን ረስታችሁ አሜን ብላችሁ ቀናችሁን በማስተላለፍ በመገደዳችሁ፤ በእኔ ላይ ሳትፈርዱ በራሳችሁ ላይ የፈረዳችሁ መሆናችሁን አላስተዋላችሁም፡፡ እኔ የተነሳሁት ከትክክለኛ ህግና ከህሊናችሁ ውጭ ለመፍረድ እንዳትገደዱ ለማድረግ ነበር፡፡ በአጭሩ በእኔ ላይ ለመፍረድ የቸኮላችሁትን ያህል አስርና አስራ አምሰት ዓመት በቀጠሮ የምታጉላሉትን ህዝብ ጉዳይ እንደዚህ አፋጥናችሁ ብትመለከቱለትና ብትሸኙት ኖሮ የእኔ መነሳት ባላስፈለገም ነበር።
ከእናንተ ከዳኞቹ እና የሞት ፍርድ እንድትበይኑብኝ ካዘዛችሁ ሰው ይልቅ፤ እኔ ፍርድ ተቀባይ የዛሬ ወንጀለኛ የነገ ባለታሪክ ነኝ። የኔ ከጓደኞቸ መካከል ለጊዜው በህይወት መቆየትና ለእናንተ ፍርድ መብቃት የዘመኑን ፍርድ ለመጭው ትውልድ የሚያሳይ ይሆናል፡፡
ዋ ! ዋ ! ዋ ! ለእናንተ እና ለገዢአችሁ። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሃሳቤ በዝርዝር ገብቶት በአንድነት በሚነሳበት ጊዜ የሚወርድባችሁ መዓት አሰቃቂ ይሆናል፡፡
በተለይ የአፄ ኃ/ስላሴ የግፍ መንግስት ባለ አደራዎች ሆነው ድሀውን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሲገሸልጡት ከነበሩት መኮንን ሀ/ወልድ እና ገ/ወልድ እንግዳወርቅን ከመሳሰሉት በመንፈስ የታሰሩ በስጋ የኮሰሱ መዠገሮች መካከል ጥቂቶቹን ገለል ማድረጌን ሳስታውስና የተረፉትም ፍፃሜያቸውን በሚበድሉት በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እጅ ላይ መውደቅ ሲሰማኝ ደስ ይለኛል፡፡
Brook Abegaz

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Meet Brook Abegaz: A Rising Star in the Digital World
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, few names resonate like that of Brook Abegaz. Emerging as a significant influencer, Brook has captured the hearts and minds of many through a unique blend of creativity, authenticity, and engagement. Their journey into the heart of social media began modestly, characterized by a passion for connecting with people and sharing experiences. As an influential figure, Brook has not only garnered a substantial following but has also established a reputation for innovation and authenticity that distinguishes them from countless others in the crowded online space. Their content often revolves around lifestyle, travel, and personal development, providing relatable narratives that resonate with a diverse audience. With a commitment to fostering community and dialogue, Brook Abegaz stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring digital creators worldwide.
Who is Brook Abegaz?
Brook Abegaz is a dynamic influencer known for their engaging presence across various social media platforms. They have gained recognition for sharing lifestyle and motivational content that resonates with audiences. By showcasing authenticity and creativity, Brook has built a loyal following who appreciate their relatable approach to everyday life.
In addition to their social media presence, Brook is also involved in various collaborations and partnerships with brands that align with their values. This not only amplifies their influence but also allows them to impact positively on the community.
What type of content does Brook Abegaz create?
Brook Abegaz primarily focuses on lifestyle, travel, and personal development content. Their posts often include tips on self-improvement, travel experiences, and relatable everyday moments that encourage engagement from followers.
Moreover, Brook utilizes various formats, such as videos, blog posts, and social media stories, to connect with their audience. This diversity not only keeps the content fresh but also allows them to reach different segments of their following effectively.
How has Brook Abegaz influenced their audience?
Brook Abegaz has significantly impacted their audience by promoting a message of self-acceptance and positivity. Through relatable storytelling, they encourage followers to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
Additionally, Brook actively engages with their audience through comments and direct messages, creating a dialogue that empowers followers to share their thoughts and experiences. This interaction cultivates a supportive environment that many find encouraging and motivating.
What makes Brook Abegaz stand out in the influencer community?
What sets Brook Abegaz apart is their unwavering commitment to authenticity. While many influencers may follow trends for popularity, Brook remains true to their values and personal style, which resonates deeply with their audience.
Furthermore, Brook's focus on fostering real connections rather than merely seeking followers distinguishes them in the influencer landscape. Their engagement with followers and commitment to meaningful content contributes to a loyal and passionate community.
What are some future projects or goals for Brook Abegaz?
Brook Abegaz has expressed interest in expanding their reach through collaborations with other influencers and brands that share similar values. They aim to leverage their platform to raise awareness for causes they are passionate about, contributing to community development and social impact.
Additionally, Brook is exploring opportunities in content creation beyond social media, such as writing a book focused on personal development and authenticity, which would provide a deeper insight into their mission and experiences.
Brook Abegaz Telegram Channel
Are you a fan of stunning photography? Do you have a passion for capturing the beauty of nature and everyday moments? Look no further than the Brook Abegaz Telegram channel! Run by the talented photographer Brook Abegaz, this channel is a visual treat for anyone who appreciates the art of photography. Brook Abegaz showcases his stunning work, from breathtaking landscapes to intimate portraits, all captured in exquisite detail.
Who is Brook Abegaz? A visionary photographer with a keen eye for detail, Brook Abegaz has made a name for himself in the world of photography. His unique style and creative approach set him apart from the rest, making his work truly stand out.
What is Brook Abegaz? It is a Telegram channel dedicated to showcasing the inspiring photography of Brook Abegaz. With regular updates and new content, followers can immerse themselves in the beauty of his work, gaining insight into his creative process and techniques.
Whether you're an aspiring photographer looking for inspiration or simply enjoy admiring stunning visuals, the Brook Abegaz Telegram channel is the perfect place to indulge your passion for photography. Join today and experience the world through the lens of a true artist.