Alpha to Beta Quiz @a2bquiz Channel on Telegram

Alpha to Beta Quiz


This particular channel is created exclusively for Quiz for various one day examinations.
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Our doubt group - @doubtgroupab
Our You Tube Channel -
#alphatobetaclasses #CGL2022

Alpha to Beta Quiz (English)

Are you someone who loves taking quizzes and challenges? Look no further because the 'Alpha to Beta Quiz' Telegram channel, with the username @a2bquiz, is here to provide you with an exciting platform to test your knowledge! This channel is specifically designed for individuals preparing for various one-day examinations, offering a range of quiz questions to help you sharpen your skills and stay ahead of the competition.

In addition to the quizzes, 'Alpha to Beta Quiz' also provides valuable resources and study materials to aid in your preparation process. If you're looking for a supportive community to engage with as you prepare for your exams, this channel is the perfect place for you.

For even more educational content, be sure to check out our main channel, @alphatobetaclasses, where you can access a wealth of information and guidance. If you have any doubts or questions while going through the quizzes, feel free to join our doubt group at @doubtgroupab for assistance from fellow members.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel at for video lessons and tutorials that can further enhance your learning experience. Join the 'Alpha to Beta Quiz' channel today, and let's ace those one-day examinations together! #alphatobetaclasses #CGL2022

Alpha to Beta Quiz

03 May, 13:19

🔻 1-3rd May 2024 DCA QUIZ

📌 For Current Affairs 1st-3rd May 2024 

Link -

📌 Comment your score out of 16

Keep supporting Alphatobetaclasses 🤝
Main channel- @alphatobetaclasses
Quiz channel - @a2bquiz

Alpha to Beta Quiz

30 Apr, 14:19


Topic - Ancient History

Total Questions - 10

By @a2bquiz ❣️❣️

Alpha to Beta Quiz

30 Apr, 07:32

🔻 30th April 2024 DCA QUIZ

📌 For Current Affairs 30th Apr 2024 

Link -

📌 Comment your score out of 11

Keep supporting Alphatobetaclasses 🤝
Main channel- @alphatobetaclasses
Quiz channel - @a2bquiz

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 16:12

Which of the following is mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India? भारत के संविधान की प्रस्तावना में निम्नलिखित में से किसका उल्लेख है ?

A) Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship
विचार, अभिव्यक्ति, विश्वास, विश्वास और पूजा की स्वतंत्रता
B) Fraternity assuring human dignity
मानवीय गरिमा सुनिश्चित करने वाली बंधुता
C) Equality of status and employment
स्थिति और रोजगार की समानता
D) Justice, social, economic and administrative
न्याय, सामाजिक, आर्थिक एवं प्रशासनिक

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 16:12

The compound in which a hydroxy group, -OH, is attached to a saturated carbon atom which has two other carbon atoms attached to it is called: वह यौगिक जिसमें एक हाइड्रॉक्सी समूह, -OH, एक संतृप्त कार्बन परमाणु से जुड़ा होता है जिसमें दो अन्य कार्बन परमाणु जुड़े होते हैं, उसे कहा जाता है:

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 16:12

Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibushan awardee, Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, was instrumental in reviving which of the following classical dances?
पद्म श्री, पद्म भूषण और पद्म विभूषण पुरस्कार से सम्मानित गुरु केलुचरण महापात्र ने निम्नलिखित में से किस शास्त्रीय नृत्य को पुनर्जीवित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी?

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 16:12

Who among the following revolted against Balban, Sultan of Delhi, and declared himself as an independent ruler of Bengal in 1279?
निम्नलिखित में से किसने दिल्ली के सुल्तान बलबन के विरुद्ध विद्रोह किया और 1279 में स्वयं को बंगाल का स्वतंत्र शासक घोषित किया ?

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 16:11


Topic - Mix Set

Total Questions - 10

These questions were asked in CGL 2023.

By @a2bquiz ❣️❣️

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 07:34

📌 English Quiz

Topic - One-word Substitution

Doubts comments mai puch lena.

By @a2bquiz ❣️❣️

Alpha to Beta Quiz

29 Apr, 06:50

🔻 29th April 2024 DCA QUIZ

📌 For Current Affairs 29th Apr 2024 

Link -

📌 Comment your score out of 11

Keep supporting Alphatobetaclasses 🤝
Main channel- @alphatobetaclasses
Quiz channel - @a2bquiz