Welcome to the Telegram channel "حكمة وعبرة" managed by user @zainabalhoraa1998. This channel is dedicated to sharing wisdom and lessons for life, with a focus on the unique characteristic of modesty that distinguishes women. The channel was established on July 28, 2019, and has since been providing valuable insights and reflections for its subscribers. Whether you are looking for daily inspiration, thoughtful quotes, or reflections on life's experiences, "حكمة وعبرة" is the perfect channel for you. Join us today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Let's learn together and embrace the power of wisdom and life lessons. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this insightful community!
21 Jan, 12:24
20 Jan, 02:29
18 Jan, 23:02
17 Jan, 11:36
13 Jan, 06:16
12 Jan, 15:34
11 Jan, 01:24
11 Jan, 01:23
10 Jan, 07:01
10 Jan, 04:18
07 Jan, 01:05
05 Jan, 19:32
05 Jan, 11:14
03 Jan, 02:48
02 Jan, 06:51
20 Nov, 20:54
20 Nov, 20:53
20 Nov, 20:48
24 Oct, 19:02
22 Oct, 19:23
22 Oct, 19:23
19 Oct, 18:07
17 Oct, 14:04
15 Oct, 00:20
14 Oct, 11:21
14 Oct, 11:21
09 Oct, 15:18
09 Oct, 15:13
20 Sep, 14:38
15 Sep, 12:34
15 Sep, 12:34
09 Sep, 14:48