Yuva Nidhi, a Telegram channel with the username @yuvanidhiyojana, is your go-to source for all official updates related to the Yuva Nidhi Scheme. Owned by edusmarty, this channel is dedicated to providing timely and accurate information about the various initiatives and programs under the Yuva Nidhi Scheme. Whether you are a student looking for scholarships or a young entrepreneur seeking funding opportunities, Yuva Nidhi has got you covered. Stay informed about the latest developments, application deadlines, and eligibility criteria by joining this channel. Share the updates with your friends and family to help them benefit from the Yuva Nidhi Scheme as well. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - join Yuva Nidhi today!
23 Dec, 09:37
23 Dec, 04:00
13 Nov, 07:44
24 Oct, 07:26
04 Oct, 12:22