Introducing Yoragami - a Telegram channel dedicated to providing a unique and personalized experience for its members. The name Yoragami originates from the combination of 'Yora' and 'gami' which means paper in Japanese. This channel is a platform created by @ffuji where members can order bots and engage in mutual activities through @Yorasbot. Additionally, members can access archives of past content through @ygmemo. The channel operates on a specific schedule which can be identified by the 'Open/Close' status in the channel name. The working hours are from 08:00 to 22:00 WIB. For orders or inquiries, members are encouraged to consult the bot first. Yoragami aims to foster a community of like-minded individuals who are seeking a creative and interactive space to connect. Join Yoragami today and unlock a world of possibilities!
20 Dec, 13:18
01 Dec, 11:11
24 Sep, 23:56
19 Sep, 05:25
19 Sep, 05:10
19 Sep, 01:38