Yarimi University is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing live trading signals to its subscribers. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out in the world of investments, this channel offers valuable insights and analysis to help you make informed decisions. The channel covers a wide range of assets, from stocks to cryptocurrencies, and provides signals for both bullish and bearish market trends
The team behind Yarimi University is composed of experienced traders and analysts who are dedicated to helping their followers succeed in the financial markets. By joining this channel, you will gain access to real-time signals that can help you navigate the volatile world of trading with confidence. Whether you are looking to maximize profits or minimize risks, Yarimi University has got you covered
In addition to live signals, Yarimi University also encourages its followers to subscribe to their YouTube channel, where they can find educational videos, market updates, and exclusive content to further enhance their trading skills. With a growing community of like-minded individuals, Yarimi University is not just a channel, but a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their trading game to the next level. Subscribe now and start your journey towards financial success with Yarimi University!
07 Feb, 22:48
07 Feb, 17:03
07 Feb, 17:02
07 Feb, 15:45
07 Feb, 15:43
07 Feb, 15:42
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07 Feb, 08:53
07 Feb, 08:51
07 Feb, 07:13
07 Feb, 06:04
07 Feb, 01:46
20 Jan, 09:16
20 Jan, 09:15
20 Jan, 09:15
20 Jan, 09:15
20 Jan, 08:52
20 Jan, 08:38
20 Jan, 07:15
19 Jan, 20:59
19 Jan, 16:34
19 Jan, 16:33
17 Jan, 09:14
17 Jan, 09:14
17 Jan, 07:56
17 Jan, 07:41
16 Jan, 07:09
16 Jan, 07:08
16 Jan, 07:07
16 Jan, 07:05
16 Jan, 05:02
16 Jan, 05:01
15 Jan, 11:48
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 06:39
06 Jan, 09:20
06 Jan, 08:05
06 Jan, 07:57
03 Jan, 14:19
03 Jan, 13:58
03 Jan, 13:44
03 Jan, 07:31
03 Jan, 07:21
03 Jan, 07:10
25 Dec, 18:51
25 Dec, 18:50
25 Dec, 06:51
24 Dec, 05:56
24 Dec, 05:22
23 Dec, 12:35
23 Dec, 12:04
23 Dec, 11:43
23 Dec, 10:47
23 Dec, 08:34
23 Dec, 07:58
23 Dec, 07:14
23 Dec, 07:04
08 Dec, 14:07
08 Dec, 06:37
07 Dec, 17:01
07 Dec, 09:55
06 Dec, 22:36
06 Dec, 22:30
06 Dec, 22:29
06 Dec, 20:13
06 Dec, 14:14
06 Dec, 14:02
06 Dec, 13:50
06 Dec, 13:50
06 Dec, 13:49
06 Dec, 13:40
06 Dec, 13:39
06 Dec, 13:37
24 Nov, 06:14
23 Nov, 23:55
23 Nov, 23:44
23 Nov, 14:02
23 Nov, 12:09
22 Nov, 18:43
22 Nov, 18:41
22 Nov, 12:52
22 Nov, 12:34
22 Nov, 12:32
22 Nov, 12:32
22 Nov, 12:31
20 Nov, 21:50
20 Nov, 12:36
20 Nov, 08:19
20 Nov, 08:11
20 Nov, 08:09
20 Nov, 08:09
20 Nov, 08:06
20 Nov, 07:59
20 Nov, 07:38
15 Nov, 14:44
15 Nov, 12:11
15 Nov, 11:38
15 Nov, 10:34
15 Nov, 10:31
14 Nov, 12:18
14 Nov, 09:08
14 Nov, 09:01
14 Nov, 08:27
14 Nov, 08:25
14 Nov, 07:47
13 Nov, 18:42
13 Nov, 18:42
13 Nov, 18:41
13 Nov, 11:36
13 Nov, 10:27
13 Nov, 07:29
13 Nov, 07:11
13 Nov, 07:10
13 Nov, 06:01
12 Nov, 08:14
12 Nov, 06:48
26 Oct, 18:55
26 Oct, 18:49
26 Oct, 18:47
25 Oct, 20:55
25 Oct, 20:54
25 Oct, 18:20
25 Oct, 18:19
25 Oct, 18:19
25 Oct, 18:19
25 Oct, 18:18
25 Oct, 18:17
25 Oct, 18:17
25 Oct, 18:17
21 Oct, 15:05
21 Oct, 12:34
21 Oct, 11:19
21 Oct, 10:48
21 Oct, 10:36
21 Oct, 10:24
21 Oct, 10:10