Y.Iva is a cutting-edge Telegram channel created by the talented content creator, Yana. With a focus on beauty, fashion, and lifestyle, Y.Iva offers its subscribers a unique blend of makeup tutorials, style tips, and personal insights. Yana's engaging personality shines through in every post, making her channel a must-follow for anyone looking to stay updated on the latest trends and tricks in the world of beauty and fashion. Whether you're a makeup enthusiast, a fashionista, or simply someone looking for a dose of inspiration, Y.Iva has something for everyone. Join Yana on her journey to share her passion for all things beauty and fashion by subscribing to Y.Iva today!
16 Jan, 11:19
16 Jan, 11:17
12 Jan, 18:11
04 Jan, 12:13
02 Jan, 20:26
02 Jan, 20:10
24 Dec, 18:25
24 Dec, 10:41
23 Dec, 09:20
17 Dec, 10:51
10 Dec, 22:17
10 Dec, 22:07
10 Dec, 22:03
10 Dec, 21:50
01 Dec, 09:36
24 Nov, 17:49
19 Nov, 09:48
18 Nov, 15:08
17 Nov, 18:45
17 Nov, 10:25
13 Nov, 15:34
11 Nov, 18:43
31 Oct, 10:37
27 Oct, 11:11
16 Oct, 14:36
16 Oct, 12:12
11 Oct, 16:35
11 Oct, 11:44
05 Oct, 19:57
24 Sep, 15:01