Yab Speech 🇪🇹 / Self Learning / (@yab_speech)の最新投稿

Yab Speech 🇪🇹 / Self Learning / のテレグラム投稿

Yab Speech 🇪🇹 / Self Learning /
Knowledge Center! የለውጥ አብዮት

● ገና አልጀመርንም ገና አልነካንም!

1 by 1 , step by step!
75,181 人の購読者
66 枚の写真
16 本の動画
最終更新日 25.02.2025 14:20

Yab Speech 🇪🇹 / Self Learning / によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Smile, breathe, and take on the week
one step at a time 💪


Week 4 Finished !!!

4 weeks 2800 pushups done! 100 pushups/ day

#Pushups365 #Week 4


Respect comes from your work! If your work got loved, its done.

#Mindset #37

Week 3 Finished !!!

3 weeks 2100 pushups done! 100 pushups/ day

#Pushups365 #Week 3

ያንን ደሀ ስንት ጊዜ ወደቅክ ብለው ጠየቁት ....
አንድ ግዜ በጠላቶቼ ሺ ጊዜ በወዳጆቼ .. ብሎ መለሰላቸው

ታድያ ምን አተረፍክ ብለው ሲጠይቁት .... እግዚአብሔርን አላቸው።

#Orthodox #5

One of your biggest enemies in life is Confort. ከርሀብ ይልቅ ጥጋብ ይጥለናል!

#Mindset #36

Easy jobs kills peoples! So do the customer!

#Mindset #35

Silence got more power than speaking! Calma mind...

#Mindset #34

Value yourself, know your level!

#Mindset #31