Welcome to DARK linux, a Telegram channel dedicated to all things related to the dark side of the Linux operating system. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user looking to explore the more mysterious and edgy aspects of the system, or a beginner curious about the more advanced features, this channel is the perfect place for you. @xxexm, the username behind this channel, is a passionate Linux enthusiast who has dedicated countless hours to uncovering the hidden secrets and potential of Linux. Through a combination of tutorials, tips, and discussions, DARK linux aims to provide a platform for users to delve into the darker side of Linux and expand their knowledge and skills. Join us on this dark and exciting journey as we explore the endless possibilities of Linux together!
06 Nov, 20:27
22 Oct, 19:54
15 Oct, 21:09
13 Oct, 23:11
11 Oct, 22:09
30 Sep, 09:39
28 Sep, 12:28