Are you a tech enthusiast who loves to stay ahead of the curve? Do you enjoy getting a sneak peek at upcoming devices before they hit the market? If so, then XiaomiTime Prototypes is the perfect Telegram channel for you! XiaomiTime Prototypes, managed by the username @xiaomiuiqrd, is a treasure trove of unreleased and prototype device pictures. If you happen to have any exclusive pictures of unreleased devices, you can share them with the channel admins at @trzpro or @erdilS. This channel serves as an archive of unreleased and unannounced devices, providing its members with an exciting glimpse into the future of technology. Curated by @xiaomiui, a dedicated tech enthusiast, XiaomiTime Prototypes is the go-to destination for anyone interested in discovering the latest innovations before they officially launch. For those interested in engineering ROMs and exploring the technical aspects of devices, @xiaomiengs is another channel recommended by XiaomiTime Prototypes. With a focus on providing in-depth insights into the engineering side of technology, @xiaomiengs complements the prototype pictures shared on XiaomiTime Prototypes. Whether you're a Xiaomi fan or simply love exploring cutting-edge technology, XiaomiTime Prototypes has something for everyone. Join the channel today to be part of an exclusive community that thrives on uncovering the next big thing in the world of gadgets and gizmos. Stay ahead of the curve with XiaomiTime Prototypes!
15 Nov, 08:44
28 Sep, 20:37
19 Sep, 09:42