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منشورات Xelius Innovation على Telegram

Xelius Innovation
Xelius is a private innovation company based in Hong Kong. We can create technologies that no one in the world has. We implement our achievements in the economy of any state and can be useful for those who are looking for opportunities.
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آخر تحديث 28.02.2025 22:58

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Xelius Innovation على Telegram

Very soon, the price of XEL will no longer be so low!


There are 6 days left before the listing of the XEL token on the OKEx exchange 🚀🚀🚀

Our YouTube channels will also host a online stream of our Xelius Expo2022 conference.


#XeliusExpo2022 #xelius #xeliusinnovation #XEL

Preparation for the conference.

The international Conference in Hong Kong.
We are pleased to inform you that an international business conference will be held in Hong Kong in 12:00 GMT on March 31, 2022, in which the top management team of Xelius Innovation, led by the head of the company, will take a part.
In addition, there will be officials and business partners from many countries where business cooperation with our company is performed
We also invite everyone to attend our conference,
which to be held at Hong Kong Business Centre ( https://www.hkbizcentre.com ).
This conference is devoted to the further development and strengthening of the company’s business position, as well as the search for the most optimal ways of international development and the creation of new international ties of the company at all levels.
You can contact Xelius Innovation for your participation in the conference, as well as via an additional communication channels.
Xelius Innovation is an international growth in financial well-being.

Starting of the XEL listing 🛰

Dear investors and users!
As we previously reported, we held successful negotiations with the leadership of one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges regarding the listing of our XEL token at it.

And now it is high time to provide you with complete information about what kind of exchange it is!
Today, all technical and procedural issues have been completed and we are now confident that no factors will interfere with the placement
of the XEL listing at the OKEx cryptocurrency exchange!
On March 28, XEL will be placed at the OKEx exchange and with it you can perform any trading operations around the world without restrictions!
March 28 we will get the most efficient and profitable financial instrument, and the price of XEL will never be as attractive and affordable as it is now!
But you still have great chances to get a token on preferential terms and then earn extra-profits!
Xelius Innovation is unlimited opportunities for our customers.

Listing at the top-exchange.

Dear investors and users!
We promised you that we will constantly report in advance on the most important events that will happen in the business life of Xelius Innovation. Because these events are also important for you, dear investors.

We believe that the time has come to make an announcement that in the very near future we will open a listing at the one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges in relation to our XEL token.

This was made possible thanks to successful negotiations with the management of the exchange and now we are performing the last stages of technical preparing related to the listing process itself.

From now on, the fact that our growth and your prosperity will continue in an even more powerful form is becoming increasingly evident to everyone who is increasing their investment in Xelius Innovation right now.

Xelius Innovation is the best business for an online investment.

Foreign representations.

Dear investors and users!
Everyone who cooperates with us and makes a stable profit, knows that Xelius Innovation is a company that is constantly developing and growing.

Our development is due to many factors, but today we will only touch on these points that are directly related to opening of new representative offices of our company.

Xelius Innovation has formed a budget from which money will be used to advertise and promote the company’s values.
And we are ready to provide our representatives with special conditions for cooperation, the main criteria of which will be stipulated in each individual case.

If you are ready to work hard as our representative, and you are in one of the countries that interest our company first, contact our specialists in Telegram: @xelius_representative

📎 List of countries: United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Luxembourg, Macau, Qatar, Ireland, Norway, Kuwait, Netherlands, Brunei Darussalam, Switzerland.

Tomorrow we will publish new vacancies for representatives from different countries. 📑

Perhaps it is you who will become our representative and receive additional privileges. 🗞

Don't miss it! 📌

A new mirror for users of Russia and CIS countries:

🔗 xelius-limited.ru