لا يقسمُ الله إلا بشيء عظيم فعليكم بصلاة الضحى فإنها صلاة الأوابين.
Welcome to وِثَاق, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspirational quotes, poetry, and spiritual reminders in Arabic. The name وِثَاق translates to 'bond' or 'link,' symbolizing the connection that this channel aims to create with its members. The channel username @wxqli7 may seem random, but it serves as a unique identifier for easy access.
وِثَاق is a sanctuary for those seeking solace and enlightenment in their daily lives. The channel features a collection of profound quotes, thought-provoking poetry, and spiritual reflections that aim to inspire and uplift the soul. Whether you are looking for words of wisdom, motivation, or simply a moment of reflection, وِثَاق has something for everyone.
The channel description "﴿وَاغْفِرْ لِأَبِي﴾
خُذوا ما شِئتم فجميعها لله" sets the tone for the content you can expect to find on وِثَاق. It emphasizes forgiveness, gratitude, and the idea that everything belongs to God. Through these themes, the channel encourages introspection, self-improvement, and a deeper connection with the divine.
Join us on وِثَاق as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening. Let the words shared on this channel ignite a spark within you and guide you towards a path of inner peace and fulfillment. Follow @wxqli7 and be part of a community that values positivity, wisdom, and enlightenment. Together, we can strengthen our bond and find solace in the beauty of Arabic literature and spirituality.
23 Jan, 05:36
22 Jan, 21:34
13 Jan, 02:43
12 Jan, 22:50
12 Jan, 22:50
12 Jan, 22:49
12 Jan, 22:48
12 Jan, 05:16
12 Jan, 02:40
11 Jan, 22:12
11 Jan, 22:12
11 Jan, 02:38
10 Jan, 14:16
10 Jan, 12:07
10 Jan, 08:05
10 Jan, 05:05
05 Jan, 05:10
05 Jan, 02:10
04 Jan, 05:45
04 Jan, 02:07
04 Jan, 01:42
04 Jan, 01:42
03 Jan, 05:25
03 Jan, 02:25
02 Jan, 23:21
02 Jan, 02:39
01 Jan, 22:25
01 Jan, 22:25
01 Jan, 22:22
04 Dec, 02:35
03 Dec, 21:42
03 Dec, 21:41
03 Dec, 21:41
03 Dec, 02:47
02 Dec, 21:56
02 Dec, 21:56
02 Dec, 21:55
02 Dec, 21:52
02 Dec, 05:05
02 Dec, 02:36
01 Dec, 21:11
01 Dec, 21:11
01 Dec, 21:11
01 Dec, 21:11
30 Nov, 21:15
30 Nov, 21:13
30 Nov, 21:13
30 Nov, 21:10
30 Nov, 02:20
29 Nov, 22:36
29 Nov, 21:53
29 Nov, 21:53
29 Nov, 21:52
29 Nov, 21:51
29 Nov, 14:15
29 Nov, 05:31
28 Nov, 05:30
28 Nov, 02:35
26 Nov, 02:40
25 Nov, 22:58
25 Nov, 22:57
25 Nov, 22:54
25 Nov, 02:16
24 Nov, 20:15
24 Nov, 20:15
24 Nov, 20:15
24 Nov, 02:30
23 Nov, 21:11
23 Nov, 21:10
13 Nov, 05:05
12 Nov, 05:01
12 Nov, 02:21
11 Nov, 23:55
11 Nov, 05:40
11 Nov, 02:50
10 Nov, 10:29
09 Nov, 05:07
09 Nov, 02:15
08 Nov, 14:20
08 Nov, 14:20
08 Nov, 14:20
26 Oct, 05:38
25 Oct, 05:41
25 Oct, 05:40
24 Oct, 01:45
23 Oct, 22:20
23 Oct, 22:19
23 Oct, 22:19
23 Oct, 05:15
23 Oct, 01:46
22 Oct, 22:10
22 Oct, 05:05
22 Oct, 01:44
19 Oct, 05:15
19 Oct, 01:30
18 Oct, 21:11
18 Oct, 09:49
18 Oct, 08:01
18 Oct, 01:36
17 Oct, 01:48
16 Oct, 01:47
15 Oct, 22:02
15 Oct, 05:05
15 Oct, 01:34