W.D.Gann for Trading (@wtpat2)の最新投稿

W.D.Gann for Trading のテレグラム投稿

W.D.Gann for Trading
♦This channel is only for educational purpose

♦I am not a sebi registered advisor and all levels are for educational purpose to understand the method of trading numbers
3,224 人の購読者
3,189 枚の写真
44 本の動画
最終更新日 01.03.2025 02:29


10,334 人の購読者
5,997 人の購読者
1,677 人の購読者

W.D.Gann for Trading によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

just reached around 22320 and comes down - so not much srenght

FUTIDX NIFTY 27MAR2025 buy 22296 sl22276 t:22326-22344-22363

OPTIDX NIFTY 06MAR2025 22200.00 CE 140 sl 130 t:152-158-184.-191

ohhh nooo - Market going down and we are in the trend - Wha Wha
22700 PE see see 555
48600 PE see see 971
Nifty Future 22233
Banknifty Future 48335

22700 PE see for your self 437 high from alert level of system @268

KRN EQ Sell 888.79 sl 898.79 t: 886.06 882.35 877.64 873.94 867.89
We will not be stuck on the one side

Plain price levels to trade with predefined sl and also alerting you the levels to watch for corrective action if the trade does not go as per the indication

This is the sell side levels as per the system

KRN EQ Buy 912 sl 901.29 t:922-926-932
