Version: 7.1 - Glyn Johns
- Change process audio files provider to ViPER4Android-Presets thanks @syntaxticsugr
- Fixed switchbar sometimes not matching the list state
- Fixed audio device profile and module is lost when switching device language (#26)
- Fixed can't load saved profiles due to
access restrictions (#25)- Fixed snackbar does not overwrite presets if the file name starts with symbols (*#$@&)
- Improved
activation in foreground service for slightly faster activation rate - Various adjustments to the interface, components, colors and themes
- Improved translations
- Change some links
⚠️ New driver module required ⚠️
The application now operates with a new driver module. To enable the Reverberation feature and resolve issues with Stereo3DSurround, it's necessary to install the new driver module and uninstall the previous version.