Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of rebellion and freedom? Look no further than the Telegram channel "New Normal. Open." and join the movement led by @wooaf. This channel is dedicated to sharing exclusive access to the results of the adventurous saga known as PAROXYM IV, narrated by @listwooaf. The channel delves into the quest for freedom, focusing on the themes of masculinity and manhood in an era where rules are being defied and anarchy is being ignited. The symbol of this rebellion? The canine, representing a fearless spirit that advocates for breaking free from societal norms and embracing the new normal. If you are seeking inspiration, empowerment, and a sense of belonging in a world that is constantly evolving, then @NewnormaI is the channel for you. Join us in celebrating individuality, challenging the status quo, and embracing the open road ahead. Welcome to the new normal. Are you ready to be open to the possibilities?