ونَـــس العُـــمر is a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading positivity and inspiration. The channel's name translates to 'Harmony of Life' in English, and it aims to share uplifting messages, quotes, and stories to brighten up your day. Whether you're looking for motivational quotes, heartwarming stories, or simply a dose of positivity, this channel has got you covered. Join us at ونَـــس العُـــمر and let's spread joy and positivity together! 🌷✨|•
26 Jan, 03:20
10 Jan, 01:36
02 Jan, 17:04
16 Dec, 09:54
16 Dec, 09:35
16 Dec, 09:35
16 Dec, 09:35
16 Dec, 09:35
16 Dec, 08:16
15 Dec, 13:48
14 Dec, 16:47
14 Dec, 16:34
30 Nov, 08:06
30 Nov, 00:10
29 Nov, 14:46
19 Nov, 13:02
19 Nov, 12:52
16 Nov, 16:27
16 Nov, 06:39
16 Nov, 06:39
16 Nov, 06:39
16 Nov, 06:39
16 Nov, 06:39
15 Nov, 16:14
12 Nov, 03:02
08 Nov, 13:09
08 Nov, 13:03
06 Nov, 14:52
06 Nov, 14:52
06 Nov, 14:52
06 Nov, 14:52
06 Nov, 14:52
04 Nov, 23:21
02 Nov, 11:06
02 Nov, 11:06
02 Nov, 11:06
02 Nov, 11:06
02 Nov, 11:06
02 Nov, 11:06
01 Nov, 15:22
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
30 Oct, 21:31
28 Oct, 21:02
27 Oct, 16:03
26 Oct, 07:21
09 Oct, 22:12
05 Oct, 16:27
04 Oct, 16:02
04 Oct, 16:02
27 Sep, 11:09
27 Sep, 11:09
11 Sep, 08:48
10 Sep, 17:52
10 Sep, 17:52
03 Jul, 02:59
27 Jun, 18:42
22 Jun, 08:04
18 Jun, 20:12
15 Jun, 22:29