WISDOM EDUCATION is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing insightful knowledge and information to its members. With the motto 'Wisdom makes light the darkness of ignorance' by Buddha, this channel focuses on sharing wisdom from various sources to help individuals broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world. Who is it? WISDOM EDUCATION is for anyone who has a thirst for knowledge and seeks to expand their wisdom. What is it? It is a platform where members can engage with thought-provoking content, inspirational quotes, and educational resources. Whether you are a student looking to learn something new or simply a curious mind eager to explore different perspectives, WISDOM EDUCATION has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of enlightenment and let wisdom guide you towards a brighter future.
17 Jan, 01:57
16 Jan, 08:55
15 Jan, 14:16
15 Jan, 07:50
14 Jan, 15:15
14 Jan, 13:50
14 Jan, 06:30
13 Jan, 10:06
13 Jan, 08:15
13 Jan, 05:48
13 Jan, 04:22
12 Jan, 19:02
12 Jan, 10:54
11 Jan, 06:05
10 Jan, 09:09
10 Jan, 09:09
08 Jan, 11:25
08 Jan, 09:01
27 Dec, 08:25
17 Dec, 14:54
12 Dec, 02:40
10 Dec, 04:13
03 Dec, 12:14
02 Dec, 09:43
01 Dec, 13:47
30 Nov, 04:10
26 Nov, 16:16
17 Nov, 13:09
03 Nov, 17:16
28 Oct, 15:16
12 Oct, 04:45
09 Oct, 05:53
06 Oct, 02:20
04 Oct, 06:11
04 Oct, 02:07
03 Oct, 06:18
02 Oct, 03:08
26 Sep, 02:23