Widyakar OCS ๐ is a Telegram channel created by the username @widyakarias, which aims to provide a new initiative for civil service exams. If you are someone preparing for civil service exams and looking for the best content and motivation, then this channel is perfect for you. With a focus on providing high-quality study materials and keeping you motivated throughout your preparation journey, Widyakar OCS ๐ is the go-to destination for all civil service exam aspirants. Whether you are just starting your preparation or in the final stages, this channel is designed to cater to your needs and help you succeed in your exams. Join Widyakar OCS ๐ today and take a step towards achieving your goal of becoming a successful civil servant. Follow us for the best content and motivation to ace your civil service exams!
08 Dec, 07:10
07 Dec, 10:11
06 Dec, 10:40
06 Dec, 03:19
05 Dec, 12:33
05 Dec, 10:03
04 Dec, 12:27
29 Nov, 05:47
26 Nov, 09:40
25 Nov, 15:16
21 Nov, 06:00
20 Nov, 16:47
20 Nov, 16:00
19 Nov, 09:46
05 Nov, 09:32
31 Oct, 13:39
30 Oct, 09:45
30 Oct, 07:47
29 Oct, 06:27
28 Oct, 15:17