White Lives Matter Official (@whitelivesmatterofficial)の最新投稿

White Lives Matter Official のテレグラム投稿

White Lives Matter Official
A world-wide, legal, peaceful & anonymous initiative that furthers the interests of White Children through real-life action.

Official chat: @WhiteLivesMatterOfficialChat

This initiative has no connection to any prior WLM 'groups'.
22,638 人の購読者
7,357 枚の写真
3,904 本の動画
最終更新日 10.03.2025 15:15


Arminius News
5,761 人の購読者
The Dissident Right
5,647 人の購読者
Rose City Nationalists
1,397 人の購読者

White Lives Matter Official によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

White Lives Matter Official

01 Mar, 17:24


We have been asleep for a little while but the alarm clock is ringing and it's time to go back to work!!! If your interested in getting involved come into our chat and say "vet me".

👉 https://t.me/WLM_USA_OHIO_CHAT 👈

Also you can support our efforts and stay up to date by following our socials. 👇



White Lives Matter Official

26 Feb, 15:03


WLM reading #2 The Nest Leaders Manual.

White Lives Matter Official

26 Feb, 12:24


Delegációnk megérkezett Szófiába. A képen egy görög bajtárssal, az Alekszandr Nyevszki-székesegyház előtt.

Hamarosan kezdetét veszi a LukovMars.

#LégióHungária #LH #Hőskultusz
White Lives Matter Official

25 Feb, 19:05


White Lives Matter activists have been busy this month spreading our message, recruiting new activists, and organizing upcoming events.

Look out for our WLM demonstrations this spring throughout Pennsylvania. If you see one of our banners, stop by and say hello. We always have informative flyers with more information about the initiative, but now we're giving out free sticker & flyer packs so you can get involved yourself. We'll be posting more about that soon, or you can always reach out in the comments section with any questions or requests.

🫵 The time is NOW!
If you can't wait for a WLM event, here's how you can GET ACTIVE TODAY:

✉️ Message WLM Contact Bot to get Vetted:
Join your Regional Chapter and Help Organize
Safe, Legal, Anonymous IRL activism.

🖨 Download & Print your own WLM Flyers & Stickers
✉️ Submit Your Video Clips & Photos Anonymously

👉🏻 Follow White Lives Matter Official
💬 Join WLM Official Chat

👉🏻 Follow WLM Pennsylvania Official
💬 Join WLM Pennsylvania Chat

👉🏻 Follow WLM Pennsylvania on Twitter/X
Follow WLM Official on Twitter/X

👀 Recommended Videos: WLM Viewing Channel
Defiant 💨 The One Race Lie 💨 The Kalergi Plan💨
The Rule of Nature 💨 Europa the Last Battle💨

👀 Read the New & Updated WLM Activist Manual 3.0
White Lives Matter Official

25 Feb, 17:45


Activists spread pro white material in South Florida today.
Join your local WLM activists in making a difference for your Folk!

White Lives Matter Official

25 Feb, 12:04


Activism în Județul Mureș 🇹🇩

De la doi activiști,  echipa WLM din București a ajuns la cinci, în doar două săptămâni. Mai mulți naționaliști cu sufletul curat din toată țara, mânați de dorința de a asigura viitorul Neamului și Rasei lor, m-au contactat pentru a deveni activiști. Primul activist WLM din județul Mureș deja a început să lipească stickere, și e gata să pună bazele filialei din acest județ. Mai sunt naționaliști și din alte părți ale țării, care vor începe activitatea în curând.

Alătură-te curentului naționalist ACUM!

Activism in Mureș County 🇹🇩

Several pure-hearted nationalists from all over the country, driven by the desire to secure the future of their Nation and Race, contacted me to become activists. The first WLM activist in Mureș County has already started to put up stickers, and is ready to set up the local branch. There are also nationalists from other parts of the country, who will start work soon.

Join us NOW!
White Lives Matter Official

25 Feb, 12:01


🇺🇦 Заявка з Волинської області

🌍Submission from Volyn region

White Lives Matter Official

14 Feb, 18:33



Náš lid je na cestě úpadku a zániku. ☠️

Každý z našich aktivistů se s touto skutečností odmítl smířit. Pokud jste došli ke stejnému rozhodnutí, přišel váš čas. 🙋🏻

Zapojte se do našich řad a naplňte s námi vznešenou vizi 14 slov. ❤️‍🔥

1. Kontaktuje @wlmcontactbot
2. Projděte si FAQs.
3. Přečtěte si Příručku aktivisty.
4. Vyčkejte na první zprávu od našeho zástupce. 💯

White Lives Matter Initiative
White Lives Matter Official

14 Feb, 10:32


🇺🇦 Заявка із Київської області

🌎Submission from Kyiv Oblast

White Lives Matter Official

14 Feb, 10:31


