Werewolf Promotion @werewolf_promotion Channel on Telegram

Werewolf Promotion


Extreme Black Metal label from Poland

Werewolf Promotion (English)

Are you a fan of extreme Black Metal music? Look no further than Werewolf Promotion, a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting the best of Black Metal from Poland. With a focus on the dark and intense sound of the genre, Werewolf Promotion brings you the latest releases, news, and updates from the underground Black Metal scene in Poland. Founded as a label, Werewolf Promotion is not only a channel for fans of the music but also for aspiring Black Metal artists looking to showcase their work. With a passion for all things heavy and raw, Werewolf Promotion is the go-to destination for anyone who wants to discover the next big thing in Black Metal. Join the channel now to immerse yourself in the world of extreme music and support the underground scene in Poland.

Werewolf Promotion

11 Feb, 21:06

Heil og sæl

Devastating news about Trånn Ciekals was published by his band, Djevel, today.
He passed on from this world at the age of 47.
I wish all the best to his closest in these heavy times.

He was a monolith within Norwegian black metal, and one of the few who has kept the real flame alive, and protected the underground to this day.
He's been a good influence to me as a musician and as a preserver of the traditional underground. I am sure many others feel the same way.

The attached song is my very first encounter with any of his works.
Even if he's passed from this world, his art will live on forever.



Werewolf Promotion

31 Jan, 21:13

Real Norsk Black Metal on stage! https://youtu.be/mJzkP_0AG_k?si=20dJQ5ZVCK4-ea9b

Werewolf Promotion

25 Jan, 11:51

Tonight in Bratislava

Werewolf Promotion

11 Jan, 12:01

Heil og sæl!

The latest release, "Live in Østlandet" just arrived in Norway, and is finally available from Likvann!
This release contains live-recordings from Likvanns two first live assaults.

To order, please write to Likvann on facebook, or e-mail: [email protected]
13€/150NOK+ postage


Werewolf Promotion

10 Jan, 13:50

Goatflesh - "Goatflesh" debut album'24

Brutal Black/Death Metal from Ukraine. Debut album, released physically on CD format by Werewolf Prom 24.12.2024.

Full YT streaming. Available in our shop and on horde's BC profile.

Werewolf Promotion

10 Jan, 13:49


Werewolf Promotion

06 Jan, 14:23

Deathlike Dawn - "Noc Czarna Czernią Otchłani" CD'25

Great Black Metal from Poland. New album, released on CD format by Werewolf Prom 01.01.2025. Full streaming.

Werewolf Promotion

06 Jan, 14:23


Werewolf Promotion

05 Jan, 20:06

Plague God - "Frigus Ferrum Vindictae" CD'25

Oldschool Black Metal from Czechia. New album, released 01-01.

Werewolf Promotion

05 Jan, 20:06


Werewolf Promotion

01 Jan, 17:15


Deathlike Dawn - "Noc Czarna Czernią Otchłani" CD
Great Black Metal from Poland. New album!

Plague God - "Frigus Ferrum Vindictae " CD
OId school Black Metal from Czechia, new album!

Deathlike Dawn / Barbaric Hatred - "From The Tenebrosus Depths Of The Ages" CD
Great Black Metal from Poland and U.S. Split release.

All available in our shop. More infos and full streamings very soon!

Werewolf Promotion

26 Dec, 14:24


Werewolf Promotion

25 Dec, 10:59

Video for Keď padnú hmly https://youtu.be/AnAuYdUUR0w

Werewolf Promotion

25 Dec, 07:32

24 of December, we released debut album of Goatflesh - "Goatflesh"  on CD format.

Bestial Black/Death Metal from Ukraine, released earlier this year digitally, now getting physical shape!

Werewolf Promotion

22 Dec, 20:02

All hail the Young Sun!

Werewolf Promotion

21 Dec, 08:33

Birke - "Rytuały" CD. At the time of Winter Solstice, we are presenting compilation album of this very good Pagan Ritual Folk project from Poland. Available!

Werewolf Promotion

17 Dec, 11:42

We are proud to announce, that with the first day of 2025, we will release two new productions of DEATHLIKE DAWN.

One is the new album - "Noc Czarna Czernią Otchłani", and other one is split with BARBARIC HATRED from United States - "From The Tenebrosus Depths of Ages". Both available on CD format with 1 of January.

Expect nothing but great Black Metal from Poland!

Werewolf Promotion

17 Dec, 11:41


Werewolf Promotion

08 Dec, 17:33

Invitation to Slovakia. Friends organize, and friends play.

Werewolf Promotion

24 Nov, 21:28

Čierny havran reh. is available by the band

Werewolf Promotion

21 Nov, 20:17

We are glad to announce, that before end of the year, we will release on CD format the debut full length of our dear colleagues from Goatflesh - "Goatflesh" - brutal Black/Death Metal from Ukraine! More infos soon!

Werewolf Promotion

21 Nov, 19:36


Werewolf Promotion

11 Nov, 09:41

With Polish Independence Day - 11.11

Werewolf Promotion

09 Nov, 16:44


Werewolf Promotion

06 Nov, 12:39

Official LIKVANN (NOR) tank top available next week!

Limited Edition-
28 of Each design
$20usd (S-XL) XXL +$4usd

Not many left due to pre-order!

[email protected]
[email protected]

Werewolf Promotion

01 Nov, 12:25


Werewolf Promotion

31 Oct, 19:48


Werewolf Promotion

31 Oct, 19:21

During Samhain – night of Forefathers, we are proudly presenting our new releases.

Long awaited new album of Black Metal veterans from Poland. Over 40 minutes of raw, aggressive, classic Black Metal.

“This night… The shadow of Ancient Veles rises above the earth. The mysterious and long forgotten cult incarnated in sound. The sound of Slavonic heathen metal from the deep Ingrian swamps…”.
Dark Heathen Slavonic Black Metal. New album!

We have also received small arrival from Zazen Sounds

All available in our shop!

www.werewolf-promotion.pl / www.werewolf-webshop.pl

Werewolf Promotion

23 Oct, 06:01

"Poprzez Mroki Przeszłości" - third album of Polish Black Metal veterans - WOLFENBURG - will be out 30 of October, on CD format first.

Werewolf Promotion

15 Oct, 08:19

1 month left!

Werewolf Promotion

14 Oct, 17:36

Against the Modern World

Werewolf Promotion

06 Oct, 18:45


Werewolf Promotion

01 Oct, 16:02

28.09 na świętej górze Ślęży podziękowaliśmy Bogom i przodkom za plony i pożegnaliśmy jasną połowę roku.

Werewolf Promotion

01 Oct, 08:31

Promotional track for the upcoming new JASSA album - "The Path to the Unspeakable Abyss (The Transmutation of Blood and Fire) "


Werewolf Promotion

01 Oct, 06:52

Outside of Krajiny Hmly aiming now for rehearsing the fourth album, Sunstrike, another band of our circle is set to record its debut full-length this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrLou6LSKy8

Werewolf Promotion

29 Sep, 08:06

One week ago, new productions of Likvann, Krajiny Hmly and Sator Marte were released.

Werewolf Promotion

26 Sep, 18:30


Werewolf Promotion

22 Sep, 21:50

At the time of autumnal equinox, during the first night of fall, we are proudly presenting our new releases!

Sator Marte - "Omnicide" CD
Great, aggressive and brutal Black Metal from Czechia. Long awaited new album! Recently released on vinyl, now available on CD format.

Likvann - "Live in Østlandet" CD
Extreme Black Metal from Norway on stage. Live album, with tracks gathered from first two shows in project's history.

Krajiny Hmly - "Čierny Havran" CD
Slavonic Black Metal from Slovakia. Special rehearsal CD release, with live set of the band from 2023.

Werewolf Promotion

18 Sep, 19:39

Proudly announcing, that live CD album of Likvann - "Live in Østlandet" - will be released during upcoming weekend festival "Live in Norway". Moreover, at the event will be available die-hard version for attending people exclusively, limited to 44 copies only. See you in Oslo region in few days!

Werewolf Promotion

06 Sep, 12:06

Przełom sierpnia i września oznacza zakończenie pierwszego pełnego roku obrzędowego naszego Gniazda od momentu ogłoszenia jego działalności w przestrzeni cyfrowej.

W czasie tego kolejnego roku naszej działalności:
- zorganizowaliśmy święto Plonów na Ślęży;
- zorganizowaliśmy razem z Gromadą Niwa i Kołomirem - Rodzimą Wiarą Warmia-Mazury święto Dziadów na Ślęży (gościnny udział rodzimowierców z Pomorza);
- zorganizowaliśmy Szczodre Gody na Ślęży;
- zorganizowaliśmy razem z Kołomirem - Rodzimą Wiarą Warmia-Mazury, Rodzimą Wiarą Gniazdo Koszalin oraz Stowarzyszeniem Na Rzecz Promocji Słowiańskiej Kultury "Radogoszcz" święto Welesa na Ślęży;
- zorganizowaliśmy razem z Gromadą Niwa Jare Gody w Krakowie;
- wzięliśmy udział razem z Kołomirem - Rodzimą Wiarą Warmia-Mazury w Maiku organizowanym przez Rodzimą Wiarę Gniazdo Koszalin;
- wzięliśmy udział w święcie Kupały organizowanym przez Rodzimą Wiarę Gniazdo Koszalin;
- wzięliśmy udział w święcie Peruna organizowanym przez Kołomir – Rodzimą Wiarę Warmia-Mazury.
Zwieńczeniem tego roku obrzędowego naszego gniazda był udział w Święcie Roda oraz VI Wiecu Rodzimowierstwa Tradycyjnego w chramie Stokroć.

Zgodnie z przewidywaniami ogłoszenie naszej działalności w przestrzeni cyfrowej sprowadziło na nas hejt ze strony różnych poważnie zaburzonych "internetowych osobistości" czy środowiskowych "biznesmenów". Jednak nie przejmujemy się tym - tego typu postacie przestają istnieć, gdy meta ma kolejną awarię, a ich zainteresowanie rodzimowierstwem kończy się, gdy przestają przychodzić przelewy za "drewno na obrzęd".

Z drugiej strony spotkaliśmy się z ogromnym zainteresowaniem i wsparciem ze strony osób, których zaangażowanie w Rodzimą Wiarę jest o wiele starsze i głębsze niż seria gier o wiedźminie czy letnie festiwale.

Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy razem z nami brali udział w świętach i sławili Bogów i Przodków!

Kończymy i zaczynamy kolejny rok działalności naszego gniazda.

Werewolf Promotion

06 Sep, 12:05

Po raz drugi oficjalnie jako gniazdo wzięliśmy udział w święcie Roda i wiecu Rodzimowierstwa Tradycyjnego w chramie Stokroć.