The You Know Whos (@weimarrepublicremix)の最新投稿

The You Know Whos のテレグラム投稿

The You Know Whos
📚 History repeats itself when people don’t learn. ⚔️ 14⚡️⚡️88
2,665 人の購読者
464 枚の写真
391 本の動画
最終更新日 09.03.2025 02:46


Mike Peinovich⚡️⚡️🔻
9,162 人の購読者
WW2 The Untold Story
8,174 人の購読者
Arminius News
5,761 人の購読者
Cozy Corner
4,359 人の購読者
Tony 🇮🇹
3,262 人の購読者
Hive Mind Creations
2,666 人の購読者
Exposing Zionism
2,549 人の購読者
Sieg Hodl's Armory
1,369 人の購読者

The You Know Whos によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

The You Know Whos

26 Nov, 03:35


The term "Civic Nationalism" was invented by ✡️ Hans Kohn to destroy what Nationalism has always implied: race-based Ethnonationalism.

This guy is Ferryman4747 on Instagram. Go support him. ⚡️⚡️
The You Know Whos

24 Nov, 22:28


⚡️⚡️ Support this White racist anti-Jewish anti-woke female comedian: Leonarda Jonie. She's actually funny and a really good person. I've seen her live. 🤝 Support your volk.⚡️⚡️

X/ Twitter


The You Know Whos

24 Nov, 00:20


Trump abandoning all the cabinet choices he advertised which everyone wanted him to make, and instead filling it up with AIPAC ✡️ Zionists & Jews that want more migrants and less gun rights.

And conservatives fell for it yet again.

Don't be too upset. Realize this is the last hope for the conservative party. When they see this does not save their country, they will be forced to lean even further right.⚡️⚡️
The You Know Whos

22 Nov, 21:07


⚡️⚡️ THIS ENERGY. ⚡️⚡️ Are you willing to go outside your comfort zone and sacrifice?

Are you speaking out? Creating content? Spreading flyers? Financially supporting those making waves? ....Why not?

This is literally a Biblical War to save our White Western civilization with this fleeting life we have. This is our mission. Step it up. You're not going as hard as you think you are.🔥
The You Know Whos

20 Nov, 23:44


⚡️⚡️ More Whites are speaking openly about the ✡️Jewish anti-White agenda. We don't care about being called racist. We can't be stopped.

Join us. 🤍🤝🤍
The You Know Whos

09 Nov, 21:37


1 minute summary of how Hitler fixed Germany's economic crisis.⚡️⚡️
The You Know Whos

07 Nov, 17:05


✡️💉 Every single aspect of the COVID agenda was Jewish... And this doesn't even address all the ✡️ Jews in charge of big tech & the mainstream media who were silencing dissent.
The You Know Whos

06 Nov, 21:06


🇮🇱✡️ Before you celebrate, remember: Trump has promised to "get rid" of anyone who is anti-Jewish or anti-Israel.

Until a president forces Jews out of politics & positions of power, this country is doomed.
The You Know Whos

30 Oct, 23:09


✡️👀 THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF JEWISH PRIVILEGE: When comedians normalize talking about a sensitive topic, it is put into "the Overton Window" and is no longer taboo. Jewish lies & abuses are being exposed through humor.

It's no longer "forbidden" to question the legitimacy of Israel, to point out that Jews control Hollywood and most major aspects of society through nepotism & blackmail, and even poke holes in to the official Holocaust narrative.⚡️⚡️
The You Know Whos

22 Oct, 14:03


🧩 The answer to fixing all social problems is in the 1️⃣ place they don't want you to question and examine.

Never let anyone tell you it is impossible to have the dream life you want, that is needed for a healthy & strong society. We did it before, we can do it again. ⚡️⚡️