Waves Audio टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Waves is the world’s leading developer of audio plugins and signal processors for the professional and consumer electronics audio markets.
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अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 15:12
Waves Audio द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
Same Processing, Different Snare Mics
Here’s a comparison of how different snare microphones affect the sound, even when running through the same processing chain.
Here’s a comparison of how different snare microphones affect the sound, even when running through the same processing chain.
Know your saturation 💡
There are several types of saturation in audio, each with its own unique qualities and effects. In this video, we cover some of the popular ones: Tape Saturation, Tube Saturation & Analog Console (Preamp) Saturation.
There are several types of saturation in audio, each with its own unique qualities and effects. In this video, we cover some of the popular ones: Tape Saturation, Tube Saturation & Analog Console (Preamp) Saturation.
"I really love using this technique to get big vocals without having to have them sit on top of the mix to be heard" - Tyler Kerpsack 🔥
Check out Mix with Jerry as he uses multiple DeEssers to tame harsh, sibilant sounds. Using the F6 Dynamic EQ Jerry quickly finds the problematic frequencies and uses two DeEssers to tame them.
Watch Tyler Kerpsack show you how to transform your main vocals in real time using Waves Harmony. This trick adds massive depth and dimension—perfect for making your Vocal sound full, rich, and massive on stage.
Go behind the scenes with Grammy-nominated producer and songwriter Jesse Shatkin (Miley Cyrus, Lizzo) as he breaks down the making of Sia’s hit song "Unstoppable," which he produced.
This video was made in collaboration with Sony Music Publishing.
This video was made in collaboration with Sony Music Publishing.