The deference between Stable angina Vs unstable angina ?
🟠 Stable angina:
🔷 stable angina (more common) - attacks have a trigger (such as stress or exercise) and stop within a few minutes of resting
🔷 The pain usually lasts seconds to minutes and resolves quickly with rest.
🔷 Common triggers include physical activity, emotional stress, heavy meals, and extreme temperatures.
🔷 Rest, nitroglycerin, or a combination of both usually relieve symptoms within about 5 minutes.
🔷 It feels like pain in the chest that may spread to the jaw, neck, arms, back, or other body parts.
🔷 Some people may describe it as feeling like heartburn or indigestion.
🔵 Unstable angina:
🔶 unstable angina (more serious) - attacks are more unpredictable
(they may not have a trigger) and can continue despite resting
🔶 The pain lasts longer a few minutes.
🔶 It can happen while the pt. are resting.
🔶 The pt. Cannot relieve it with rest or nitroglycerin.
🔶 The pt. Notice sudden chest pain he did not have before.
🔶 The episodes may get worse with time or occur at night.