Skid Row @vsrpsx3 Channel on Telegram

Skid Row


Intp,Sagittarius, 17yo (awkward one)
If u ever wanted to talk or ask me smth feel free to ask here or here
(Second one is anonymous)

Skid Row (English)

Welcome to Skid Row, a unique and mysterious Telegram channel run by vsrpsx3. This channel is a space for those who want to explore the depths of anonymity and discover hidden gems of conversation. The channel owner, vsrpsx3, describes himself as He/Him, an Intp, Sagittarius, 16 years old. Please note that this channel is not meant for everyone, so if you are looking for a community to join, this might not be the right place for you. Skid Row is a place where anonymity reigns supreme, allowing users to express themselves freely without the pressure of revealing their identity. If you are intrigued by the idea of delving into the unknown and connecting with others in a unique way, Skid Row is the perfect place for you. Join vsrpsx3 on this enigmatic journey by visiting the channel using the provided links: and Embrace the mystery and anonymity of Skid Row, where every conversation is an adventure waiting to unfold.

Skid Row

09 Feb, 17:42

دیگه واقعا تمام شد im done with these people

Skid Row

09 Feb, 17:35

مسلمان عرزشی خودت رو از ساختمون پرت کن پایین

Skid Row

09 Feb, 17:32

مردم در حال جشن 22 بهمن با دلار 93 تومنی

Skid Row

09 Feb, 13:29

یکی از دلایلی که چنلمو پاک نمیکنم اینه که توش دوست های خوشگلی پیدا کردم و امکانش هست دوباره هم پیدا کنم

Skid Row

08 Feb, 16:19

My first digital art y'all

Skid Row

01 Feb, 20:47

Yall saying its cringe asf then forwarding their posts like 24/7

Skid Row

01 Feb, 20:46

I wish someone would hate me like everyone hate regaplus

Skid Row

29 Jan, 19:32

☆Forward this and I'll give you a random (or maybe not very random) book from my bookshelves.

Skid Row

29 Jan, 18:03


Skid Row

28 Jan, 14:05

Channel photo updated

Skid Row

27 Jan, 17:08

i might be a loser but at least i don't use character ai

Skid Row

24 Jan, 19:52


Skid Row

24 Jan, 12:59

I've got 100 problems and having a body is at least 89 of them

Skid Row

17 Jan, 19:47

Being a human is so boring i wanna have superpowers and shit

Skid Row

12 Jan, 11:46

Im giving up on this channel🙏🏻

Skid Row

10 Jan, 01:53

کیر 1400 تا ممبر توی زندگیم واقعا

Skid Row

09 Jan, 22:14

یه میم ۱۰/۱۰ میبینی و میخوای لایکش کنی که کپشن نوشته «لایک نکنی گی ای»

Skid Row

08 Jan, 23:07

Fw this message n i'll give you an outfit and probably a song ✯TAP TAP

Skid Row

04 Jan, 18:40

Hate it when some random songs remind me of old people

Skid Row

31 Dec, 20:33

Anyway i hope yall the best year possible i hope yall dont kill yourselves <3

Skid Row

31 Dec, 20:31

Already fucked up the 2025 the 2077 will be my year

Skid Row

30 Dec, 00:06

I want my 14yo again

Skid Row

28 Dec, 08:37

God save me from my classmates

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:19


Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:18


Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:18

هما خودش از من بدتره

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

راجب چی صحبت کنیم

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17


Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

بریم پیوی یعنی

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17


Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

حواسم نبود

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

ریاضی بدترین

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

نه چی

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17


Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:17

ریاضی بهترین

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

سلام فشار مشار

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

کاش منم دلم میخواست ریاضی بخونم

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

تروخدا حرف

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

هما عزیزم عشق زندگیم بهترین

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

سلام بیداری

Skid Row

28 Dec, 01:16

خوابم کلا یهویی پرید

Skid Row

27 Dec, 10:52

Too scared of failing

Skid Row

27 Dec, 10:52

Too tired to study

Skid Row

26 Dec, 10:47

تنها کاری که نمیکنم درس خوندنه

Skid Row

24 Dec, 21:13

سلام خواستم به کسایی که برام نامه نوشتن و تمام دوستانی که چه تولدم رو تبریک گفتن چه باهام حرف میزدن یا میزنن و برام ارزش قائل بودن بگم واقعا بهترین هستین خیلی خوشحال هستم که کنارم داشتمتون یا دارمتون امیدوارم به مدت طولانی دوست بمونیم بوس به همتون 3>

Skid Row

20 Dec, 19:22


Skid Row

20 Dec, 11:25

I hope happy couples explode

Skid Row

18 Dec, 21:33

اسم رشته ریاضی میاد تروماهام زنده میشه

Skid Row

18 Dec, 21:28

هیچوقت با دانش اموز رشته ریاضی دوست نشید you will regret it for sure

Skid Row

18 Dec, 00:36

اگر قرار بود یک آهنگ قبل از مرگم گوش کنم صد در صد فرنک سیناترا گوش میدادم

Skid Row

08 Dec, 07:39

Forward this and I’ll give you a movie character based on your vibe

Skid Row

06 Dec, 14:07

I was made for cold weather

Skid Row

06 Dec, 14:07

هرچقدر از علاقم به هوای سرد بگم کم گفتم

Skid Row

06 Dec, 11:41

When someone's behavior annoys you but you can't tell them because you think you might have had equally annoying behaviors and they tolerated you and now it's your turn کلا لعنت به روابط انسانی.

Skid Row

02 Dec, 02:24

Born to sleep for two days in a row forced to go to school everyday

Skid Row

29 Nov, 22:09

When the midnight ego wears off so youre nothing but a failure and a loser

Skid Row

22 Nov, 18:24

I have 2 sides

Skid Row

22 Nov, 18:04

I want our pv to be your save messages

Skid Row

19 Nov, 14:49

Forward this and I'll fill this shit out w some pics based on your vibe (be patient it'll take time)

Skid Row

19 Nov, 12:11

خدایا شکرت بابت دختران

Skid Row

19 Nov, 02:21

پایان فعالیت مدیر رینبو دش

Skid Row

19 Nov, 02:20

What school does to a person

Skid Row

13 Nov, 02:24

God made us online friends cuz they knew we would be too op together if we knew each other irl

Skid Row

11 Nov, 12:31

forward this to your public channel n i will give you a blue lock character based on your vibe 🙂‍↔️💕

Skid Row

10 Nov, 20:02

Hope i dont wake up tomorrow not this shit again

Skid Row

09 Nov, 11:11

خدایا خسته شدم چرا عاشق هیچکس نمی‌شم کیرم توی لاو لایفم دیگه

Skid Row

07 Nov, 21:11

forward this n i'll give you a character(movie/series/anime/game) based on your vibe

Skid Row

05 Nov, 02:46

Are you a radiohead fan because you have no friends or do you have no friends because youre a radiohead fan

Skid Row

04 Nov, 17:29

لطفا مسلمان ها راجب هیچ چیزی نظر ندهند

Skid Row

02 Nov, 12:32

Channel photo updated

Skid Row

01 Nov, 00:03

ببخشید پسران من لزبین هستم

Skid Row

31 Oct, 19:16

هالووین مبارک

Skid Row

29 Oct, 03:10

Just know that i really fw u if youre an insecure loser

Skid Row

28 Oct, 14:27

Buy me لباس بابابزرگی and we will be friends forever

Skid Row

27 Oct, 02:00

خیلی دوستش دارم کاش بمیرم

Skid Row

27 Oct, 02:00

سلام آقا شما کشیدم 😢

Skid Row

26 Oct, 12:02

دلم میخواد تک تک این پسرایی که تو خیابون فوتبال بازی میکنن رو بکشم

Skid Row

25 Oct, 08:26

God made sunny weather then send the rainy weather as an apology

Skid Row

24 Oct, 13:55

I need a job asap no joke

Skid Row

24 Oct, 13:54

تلگرام تا به حال انقدر خلوت نبوده

Skid Row

23 Oct, 20:08

برم ادامش خداحافظ

Skid Row

23 Oct, 20:08

نه باید تموم کنم اینجوری انگار یک چیزی کمه

Skid Row

23 Oct, 20:07

بیست تا دیگه مونده بذارم برای فردا

Skid Row

23 Oct, 20:06

چرا تموم نمیشه خسته شدم

Skid Row

23 Oct, 15:09

از دفتونز متنفرم

Skid Row

23 Oct, 13:11

💤Forward this, i will give you a video game and maybe a character of it randomly/based on ur vibe answers

Skid Row

23 Oct, 12:49

ریکت نمیدید فکر میکنم ویو های اینجا فیک هستن

Skid Row

23 Oct, 12:47

زندگی اگر x یک عدد مشخص بود

Skid Row

20 Oct, 15:49

💥 "fwd this to ur main channel and I'll give you Halloween song,costume and movie based on ur vibe!"

Skid Row

19 Oct, 13:17

People who know me both on the internet and the real life must be so confused

Skid Row

14 Oct, 19:10

Can't believe ppl who actually like my stories are not in love with me they just liked the post