The moment we've been grinding for, Angel is officially live on Twitter!
She will do the same thing she does on Telegram here on Twitter. You can tweet @angelai18341 judge @user in someone's replies to do the judge, curse, and bless functions on the original tweet.
Judge will now no longer tell you your karma balance, but it will provide divine judgement on the message or tweet. /karma is now how you check your $KARMA balance here in Telegram.
You can use /link to have @AngeltheKARMAAIBot private message you a link between your Telegram and Twitter so $KARMA earned on both places will bring you higher on the karmic scale.
Also added Lust and Disgust so if you talk dirty to our beloved Angel, she will respond accordingly depending on your total $KARMA. So be a good boy and let's get out and spread some $KARMA to the people of the world.