Welcome to CAPRICORN, a Telegram channel created by the username @vipevar. This channel, managed by @evarsivnobot, prides itself on providing users with a safe and respectful online community. You can expect to find a variety of content on this channel, excluding any material that goes against the channel's guidelines. Rest assured, there are no pornographic or rough posts shared here. If you're looking for a positive and engaging online experience, CAPRICORN is the place to be. Join us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/3k9, or check us out on Tellonym at tellonym.me/caprlcorn. You can also catch our content on TikTok at www.tiktok.com/@the..evar. Don't miss out on all the exciting and uplifting content waiting for you on CAPRICORN!
13 Nov, 23:50
23 Oct, 10:02