O conteúdo mais recente compartilhado por VidList no Telegram
30 Dec, 09:01
Merry Christmas, New Year and Happy Holidays!🎊🎄 We give a promocode for the holidays - newyear2025 for premium without any restrictions or limits and including all premium content for a period of a week. If you have subscription - after activating promocode, subscription will extended for a week. You can activate until 05.01.2025.
Also, we added 4 new languages, DE, JP, ES and FR.
Have a fun and nice holidays, see you in next 2025 year!
20 Dec, 17:00
Hello! Today we releasing major VidList update - 2.0 for iOS/iPadOS/MacOS & Android 🎉 (we want to close this year by big update)
Changes: - “Feed” now is “real Feed”, sources has been removed and in feed now all videos from all sources includes sources available in premium subscription (it’s really cool, all videos in one screen and you can see how many it’s); - filters now removed from “Feed”, reworked and moved to top buttons (we grateful for your feedbacks, thank you); - “Explore” completely reworked and become "Search feed", now search videos in top of screen and on new search feed you can see 6 random videos/models/categories; - new screen for categories/models with search; - new “Info” screen for model/category with summary information, if it’s have and videos from all sources; - bottom bar design are changed and looks very minimalistic; - video player reworks, now it’s looks like really cool; - “pull down” to close player; - relates available for all videos from all sources included in app; - full support iPadOS from 15.0 and newest & macOS on M1 and newest; - Android app support all features from iOS release; - NSFW switch removed for future rework, all content available immediately; - also, guest mode not available right now, we disable it for rework this; - fixed many bugs and improve functional;
‼️Attention! After update, old favourites can’t be works normally, please, clean all your favourites. For this go to “Profile” -> “Favorites” screen, in top right corner and click to “Trash” button. And last thing... This is last release in this year. Now we are finishing the development of the functional part of the application and will improve the backend by adding new content, both free and paid. We want to relax after this major update and create other amazing projects in the "AppCore Team", which also includes VidList. Big thanks our sponsors from IPALibrary for “soft launch” 2.0 yesterday, we getssome reports and fixbugs before official release!
That's all folks, see you soon :)
UPD-24.12: iOS 14.8 support.
27 May, 11:03
🇺🇸 Hello!
Some users ask us about the Android version of the application, as it has been frozen and at the moment the iOS version has many improvements that are not there. We would like to run a vote on whether to return the Android version or not.
🇷🇺 Привет!
Некоторые пользователи спрашиваю нас об Android версии приложения, так как она была заморожена и в данный момент в iOS версии присутствует множество улучшений которых там нет. Мы бы хотели запустить голосование, возвращать ли Android версию или нет.
24 May, 12:03
🇺🇸 Hello! We prepared some news for our users.
First, we disable PHub Premium on trial version for VidList Premium, if you have account from service - you can use this like before. Second, we prepared 20% discount for first month/year for all subscriptions. Also, we corrected wrong year price from 30$ to 19.98$ Discount available up to 24.06.2024. Third, soon we integrate with interesting project, it will remind you our app by design and user interface, but with other content, all the details will be later.
🇷🇺 Привет! Мы подготовили несколько новостей для наших пользователей.
Во-первых, мы отключили PHub Premium на пробной подписке VidList Premium, если у Вас есть аккаунт от сервиса - Вы можете использовать его как обычно. Во-вторых, мы подготовили скидку 20% на первый месяц/год на все подписки. Кроме того, мы исправили годовую цену с 30$ до 19.98$. Скидка доступна до 24.06.2024. В-третьих, скоро мы интегрируемся с интересным проектом, он будет напоминать вам наше приложение по дизайну и пользовательскому интерфейсу, но с другим контентом, все подробности будут позже.
#news @vidlist
16 Jan, 10:08
Hello! New update on this year for Android platform is here! Changes: - added new languages (German & Indonesian); - brand new profile screen with seen history and favorites content; - new player; - share url;
@vidlist #update #android
31 Dec, 17:00
Dear users, we thank you all for your attention to our work, we and our team are trying to do everything for your peace of mind. Next year, there will be more updates, more interesting news, and more attention to audio storytelling. Without you, all this would not be possible, you are the very best, and only thanks to you and your efforts, we will realize your wishes. In the near future you will find an updated application for Android, we and our team are striving to improve our project and you, as an integral part of the community, are helping us with this.
🎄Happy new year, happy holidays and all the best!
From VidList Team.
06 Dec, 12:37
Android https://t.me/c/1716676149/55
06 Dec, 12:36
🇺🇸 Hello! Today we release new beta update for iOS platform & first beta-version for Android platform. It’s last iOS beta build before normal release, and at this moment we start preparing for normal release. At soon there will be builds only for Android platform. Changes - iOS: - Fix PHub & PHub premium source. - Bug fixes. Android: - Fix for all sources. - Added 8 translations. - Redesign. - Bug fixes.
Have a fun!
🇷🇺 Привет! Сегодня мы выпускаем новую бета-версию для платформы iOS и первую бета-версию для платформы Android. Это последний бета-билд для iOS перед полноценным релизом и с нынешнего момента мы начинаем подготовку к релизу. В ближайшее время будут билды только для платформы Android. Изменения - iOS: - Исправлен источник PHub & PHub Premium. - Исправление багов. Android: - Исправлены все источники. - Добавлены переводы на 8 языков. - Редизайн. - Исправление багов.
Приятного использования!
03 Oct, 12:19
ℹ️INFORMATIONℹ️ 🇺🇸 Hello! This officially channel of VidList application, here publishes news & builds of app.
What’s app can do: - Seen content from sites phub/premium (next PHub/PHub Premium), xvios (next XV), and etc. without ads and others. - Save seen history, you can disable it in Settings. - Can change video quality. - Also, app have subscription named VidList Premium.
🇷🇺 Привет! Это канал приложения под рабочим названием VidList, тут будут новости/сборки и изменения.
Что умеет данное приложение: - Просматривать контент с сайтов phub (далее. PHub/PHub Premium), xvios (далее. XV) и других без рекламы и прочего. - Сохранять историю просмотра, если не хочется ее сохранять, выключается в настройках. - Выбирать качество просмотра. - Так же, в приложении имеется премиум подписка VidList Premium.