His mission in life
Dive deeper into 3 fundamental aspects
1. What
2. Why
3. How
Answer these three, in order, and preoccupy yourself with it
If you don’t find it, then still go about your tasks, while running this in the back of your mind
Solve a societal problem. Solve problems for customers, clients. Design products and provide services.
Once you start, don’t look back, and keep going.
What implies what you want to work upon, what you want to solve or improve
Why implies why you want to do what you want to do, the reasoning, the motivation behind it. Without a strong why, you won’t have enough will power to see through the how, which involves most of the work
How implies how you can do what you want to do. If you wish to develop or design a product, or provide a service, become proficient at the necessary skills
Master these skills. Become an embodiment of them and provide value directly through their application
Devote your very own existence to this purpose, your mission.
Much of your life will become sorted. Your endless escapism will cease to exist. And most of your problems regarding your life, or your personality, will automatically be solved.