Welcome to ﴿إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ﴾, a Telegram channel created to share daily prayers and motivational messages. The username vbsuo invites you to join this channel where you can find inspiring posts to uplift your spirit and provide you with a sense of comfort and peace. The title of the channel, which translates to 'I am with you', signifies the creator's intention to support and accompany the followers through their daily struggles and challenges. Whether you are looking for words of encouragement, reminders of faith, or simply a community to share your thoughts with, ﴿إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ﴾ offers a space for reflection and connection. The description emphasizes the power of prayer and the importance of leaving your worries in the hands of God. Each post is a reminder to trust in the divine and seek solace in prayer, knowing that all supplications are ultimately directed towards God. Join ﴿إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ﴾ today to be a part of a supportive and caring community, where you can find comfort in the words of prayer and the solidarity of fellow believers. Let the daily messages guide you through life's challenges and remind you that you are never alone. Take a moment to pause, reflect, and connect with your faith through the uplifting content shared on this channel. Together, we can find strength and solace in the power of prayer. Join us on ﴿إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ﴾ and let your heart be filled with peace and hope.
02 Dec, 02:51
29 Nov, 23:57
29 Nov, 23:32
29 Nov, 03:23
29 Nov, 03:11
29 Nov, 02:56
29 Nov, 02:55
28 Nov, 20:03
28 Nov, 03:35
28 Nov, 03:16
26 Nov, 02:59
21 Nov, 21:56
21 Nov, 21:23
13 Nov, 02:39
13 Nov, 02:38
05 Nov, 02:08
03 Nov, 06:28
01 Nov, 01:42
01 Nov, 01:05
31 Oct, 16:15
31 Oct, 16:02
31 Oct, 03:43
31 Oct, 03:34
30 Oct, 00:04