منشورات Vaibhav Kajale, IAS 2022 على Telegram
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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Vaibhav Kajale, IAS 2022 على Telegram
Some do get prelims phobia.It is natural to get so.But,as I mentioned earlier just command your brain that you have studied well and you will excel smoothly. No one can complete the syllabus 100% or say I am fully prepared.
Finish your studis by evening and chill,have dinner early and have sleep of 8 hours,talk to your parents and take blessings from them and God.Be calm and confident as all 100 answers are in front of you and no one can stop you from clearing prelims except you.
Take 3-4 days break ,go home and enjoy the hard work you did in last 2-3 months.Next week onwards start for mains preparation.
Best wishes for the prelims and whole universe is with you to see you reach your goal.
Inshallah Fateh hamari hogi.Mazal tov.Rab Rakha.Har Har Mahadev.
Finish your studis by evening and chill,have dinner early and have sleep of 8 hours,talk to your parents and take blessings from them and God.Be calm and confident as all 100 answers are in front of you and no one can stop you from clearing prelims except you.
Take 3-4 days break ,go home and enjoy the hard work you did in last 2-3 months.Next week onwards start for mains preparation.
Best wishes for the prelims and whole universe is with you to see you reach your goal.
Inshallah Fateh hamari hogi.Mazal tov.Rab Rakha.Har Har Mahadev.
Do reverse engineering in Quant questions if you face difficulty with the given options and attempt all comprehension in 1 hour and then remaining time Quant and logical questions.The level of difficulty is basic and don't go any formula and all ,just do basic math and use common sense.
Don't get lazy in 2nd half and think of 1st paper.Attempt sincerely as you have no option and you can't leave the hall before time😄.So attempt max and enjoy it.
Don't get lazy in 2nd half and think of 1st paper.Attempt sincerely as you have no option and you can't leave the hall before time😄.So attempt max and enjoy it.
Do's and Don'ts for upcoming Prelims of 16th June:
1) GS
1) Stick to your own sources and do rapid revision and Don't go for anything new even if Upsc chairman suggests any material.
2) Do reverse planning now,like what you will study in morning just before exam and in afternoon break for whom CSAT is an issue.One day before and likewise.
3) In last 2-3 days just revise high probability topics and memory based ones.
4) On saturday do read Laxmikanth without fail as it is very scoring and just focus on English of the question and options.Upsc is twisting simple things and don't overthink in these questions.2-3 hours only.
5) Half hour for India physical NCERT and GC leong maps and that climate cartogram only.
6) 1 hour for Shankar last pages tables,conventions,National parks,WS,Wetlands,Endangered species,Environmental bodies,GHG,Ozone depletion gases,etc
7) Simultaneously keep Atlas handy and keep revising for environment,geography,current affairs,etc.Before sleeping do 10 min rapid reading of World physical and political map as whole which help you in 8 to 10 questions directly and indirectly.And again before entering the exam hall do same exercise.
8) History don't take load now, just revise spectrum summary at end of each chapter and tables given at last,NCERT just skim the images and Boxes given and same for Art and Culture NCERT.Here pictorial memory helps to atleast eliminate options.Also,2 page index of old NCERT can refresh your memory and help remember the chronology of ancient,medieval and modern.New Themes NCERT don't have detailed Index but Old has which will help you to revise in 30 min whole history.So total 2 to 3 hours as per your comfort.
9) Half hour for economy( I read Sriram) as it is mostly concept based and see BEPS,TRIPS,WB,IMF,INFLATION,FD,RD,ERD,FRBM,etc Like concepts and 15 min for Budget and Survey summary only.
10) Science and Technology no separate study ,it will be covered in Current affairs.
11) 2 hours Rapid revision of your current affairs material ( I read Vision) again just see Index and go for any specific if you don't recall and see maps given in them.
12) Index pages of all - Govt. Schemes Ministry wise, World report and Indices, International Organizations.
13) Finish this all in 12 hours on Saturday as per you speed and wrap up things by 7 or 8 pm.Only map before sleeping.
14) Keep all things ready 3 to4 black ball point pen,2 copies of hall ticket, check Your center on Map and schedule your transport before hand.Keep 2 water bottles,Ors,chocolates,fruits and don't overeat else your supercomputer will get less oxygen and blood 😀
And please solve maximum possible questions 90 to 95 atleast to clear prelims with good margin so you can start mains preparation soon.( I solve all 100 questions everytime and it has worked for me and my friends who were stuck in nervous nineties) You should not regret afterwards that if I would have attempted these 2 3 questions I would.....
Also, do 2 rounds atleast ,1 st round in 70 to 80 min and 2 nd round after that.Reading all 100 questions will give you confidence and build your linkages and there are 2 to 3 questions everytime which are interlinked will help to eliminate options.
Also,do circle the answers immediately like after solving 1 page which contains 5 to 6 questions and then go forward and also,it relaxes mind for few seconds.Dont encircle at last because your brain is exhausted and 1 single wrong circle can change whole series of circles ahead.
Please follow your own strategy now as very less time is remaining, just read this while having food or tea.
Just talk to yourself and say that you have worked very hard,I will follow my strategy and not repeat mistakes done in mocks and I will score minimum 150 and I will do great.
1 very important thing - please do attempt min 65 to 70 Csat questions irrespective of your IIT,IIM background.I have seen many people not clearing prelims inspite of good score in GS due to overconfidence.
1) GS
1) Stick to your own sources and do rapid revision and Don't go for anything new even if Upsc chairman suggests any material.
2) Do reverse planning now,like what you will study in morning just before exam and in afternoon break for whom CSAT is an issue.One day before and likewise.
3) In last 2-3 days just revise high probability topics and memory based ones.
4) On saturday do read Laxmikanth without fail as it is very scoring and just focus on English of the question and options.Upsc is twisting simple things and don't overthink in these questions.2-3 hours only.
5) Half hour for India physical NCERT and GC leong maps and that climate cartogram only.
6) 1 hour for Shankar last pages tables,conventions,National parks,WS,Wetlands,Endangered species,Environmental bodies,GHG,Ozone depletion gases,etc
7) Simultaneously keep Atlas handy and keep revising for environment,geography,current affairs,etc.Before sleeping do 10 min rapid reading of World physical and political map as whole which help you in 8 to 10 questions directly and indirectly.And again before entering the exam hall do same exercise.
8) History don't take load now, just revise spectrum summary at end of each chapter and tables given at last,NCERT just skim the images and Boxes given and same for Art and Culture NCERT.Here pictorial memory helps to atleast eliminate options.Also,2 page index of old NCERT can refresh your memory and help remember the chronology of ancient,medieval and modern.New Themes NCERT don't have detailed Index but Old has which will help you to revise in 30 min whole history.So total 2 to 3 hours as per your comfort.
9) Half hour for economy( I read Sriram) as it is mostly concept based and see BEPS,TRIPS,WB,IMF,INFLATION,FD,RD,ERD,FRBM,etc Like concepts and 15 min for Budget and Survey summary only.
10) Science and Technology no separate study ,it will be covered in Current affairs.
11) 2 hours Rapid revision of your current affairs material ( I read Vision) again just see Index and go for any specific if you don't recall and see maps given in them.
12) Index pages of all - Govt. Schemes Ministry wise, World report and Indices, International Organizations.
13) Finish this all in 12 hours on Saturday as per you speed and wrap up things by 7 or 8 pm.Only map before sleeping.
14) Keep all things ready 3 to4 black ball point pen,2 copies of hall ticket, check Your center on Map and schedule your transport before hand.Keep 2 water bottles,Ors,chocolates,fruits and don't overeat else your supercomputer will get less oxygen and blood 😀
And please solve maximum possible questions 90 to 95 atleast to clear prelims with good margin so you can start mains preparation soon.( I solve all 100 questions everytime and it has worked for me and my friends who were stuck in nervous nineties) You should not regret afterwards that if I would have attempted these 2 3 questions I would.....
Also, do 2 rounds atleast ,1 st round in 70 to 80 min and 2 nd round after that.Reading all 100 questions will give you confidence and build your linkages and there are 2 to 3 questions everytime which are interlinked will help to eliminate options.
Also,do circle the answers immediately like after solving 1 page which contains 5 to 6 questions and then go forward and also,it relaxes mind for few seconds.Dont encircle at last because your brain is exhausted and 1 single wrong circle can change whole series of circles ahead.
Please follow your own strategy now as very less time is remaining, just read this while having food or tea.
Just talk to yourself and say that you have worked very hard,I will follow my strategy and not repeat mistakes done in mocks and I will score minimum 150 and I will do great.
1 very important thing - please do attempt min 65 to 70 Csat questions irrespective of your IIT,IIM background.I have seen many people not clearing prelims inspite of good score in GS due to overconfidence.
Updated list of Channels:
(In the order I received)
AIR 22: https://t.me/anshulbhattias
AIR 466 and AIR 1 (Odisha PCS)
AIR 435: https://t.me/anushkakarnwal14
AIR 916: https://t.me/HindiwithNeelesh
AIR 72: https://t.me/tanujpathak72
AIR 136: https://t.me/arpitkumar136
AIR 377: https://t.me/iamrrj1
AIR 378: https://t.me/ashasharma378
AIR 35:
AIR 294: https://t.me/dr_heikinashi
AIR 63: https://t.me/shivanshrathee
AIR 37: https://t.me/tjtalkss
AIR 48:
AIR 23: https://t.me/saurabhsharma2208
AIR 452:
AIR 1:
AIR 38: https://t.me/AnimeshVerma21
AIR 167: t.me/rishabhdev23
AIR 313: https://t.me/mayankdubey313
AIR 657: https://t.me/alkatripathiair657
AIR 74: https://t.me/rohittyagi26
(In the order I received)
AIR 22: https://t.me/anshulbhattias
AIR 466 and AIR 1 (Odisha PCS)
AIR 435: https://t.me/anushkakarnwal14
AIR 916: https://t.me/HindiwithNeelesh
AIR 72: https://t.me/tanujpathak72
AIR 136: https://t.me/arpitkumar136
AIR 377: https://t.me/iamrrj1
AIR 378: https://t.me/ashasharma378
AIR 35:
AIR 294: https://t.me/dr_heikinashi
AIR 63: https://t.me/shivanshrathee
AIR 37: https://t.me/tjtalkss
AIR 48:
AIR 23: https://t.me/saurabhsharma2208
AIR 452:
AIR 1:
AIR 38: https://t.me/AnimeshVerma21
AIR 167: t.me/rishabhdev23
AIR 313: https://t.me/mayankdubey313
AIR 657: https://t.me/alkatripathiair657
AIR 74: https://t.me/rohittyagi26
Congratulations to all who made it and best wishes to all the fighters who will be in the list next time 💐💐👍👍
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