Are you a student at Utkal University or one of its affiliated colleges? Do you want to stay updated with all the educational information related to Utkal University and its colleges? Look no further, because the "UUKAL UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING NOTIFICATION GROUPโข" on Telegram has got you covered! Managed by university students, this group provides a platform for students to share and receive educational updates, news, and resources relevant to Utkal University. It's important to note that this is not an official group of Utkal University, but it serves as a valuable community for students looking to connect and stay informed. Valid from 1 April 2021 to 1 April 2025, this group is a go-to source for all your educational needs. Join the UUKAL UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING NOTIFICATION GROUPโข today and be a part of this dynamic learning community!
14 Nov, 05:35
10 Nov, 02:34
05 Nov, 15:34
31 Oct, 02:43
30 Oct, 16:30
27 Oct, 06:14
24 Oct, 01:15
23 Oct, 17:33
19 Oct, 10:24
18 Oct, 02:01
11 Oct, 02:01
10 Oct, 02:58
03 Oct, 18:36
27 Sep, 14:55
07 Sep, 10:33
05 Sep, 00:16
03 Sep, 13:03
03 Sep, 12:23
03 Sep, 12:08
03 Sep, 12:07
02 Sep, 16:27
15 Aug, 12:32
14 Aug, 18:32
30 Jul, 08:38
12 Jul, 03:15
11 Jul, 18:04
06 Jul, 03:01