ग्रीन पार्क,कानपुर
गाजियाबाद 10 मार्च को उदघाटन
वाराणसी, निर्माणधीन
Are you preparing for competitive exams in Uttar Pradesh? Stay up-to-date with the latest news and current affairs by joining the Telegram channel 'Uttar Pradesh current affairs' (@uttarpradeshcurrent). This channel is dedicated to providing valuable information for exams such as UPSSSC, UPPSC, UPSI, VDO, Upp, UP constable, Ro/Aro. You can find daily UP special multiple-choice questions (mcq) and previous years' mcq to help you prepare effectively. Whether you are a student, job seeker, or just someone interested in keeping abreast of current events in Uttar Pradesh, this channel is your one-stop destination. Join today and boost your knowledge and confidence for the upcoming exams!
09 Mar, 01:12