AMBOSS @usmle_amboss Channel on Telegram



✔️Unlimited library & article access
✔️Anki add-on
✔️Mobile app
✔️X-rays, MRIs, and CTs with Overlays®
✔️unlimited Qbank use
✔️The AMBOSS Qbank covers all USMLE® and NBME® exams.

to buy discounted AMBOSS account contact :

AMBOSS Telegram Channel (English)

Are you a medical student preparing for the USMLE exams? Look no further, as the AMBOSS Telegram channel is here to provide you with unlimited access to a library of articles, an Anki add-on, a mobile app, and much more. With AMBOSS, you can access X-rays, MRIs, and CTs with Overlays® to enhance your learning experience. The channel also offers unlimited Qbank use, covering all USMLE® and NBME® exams. If you're interested in purchasing a discounted AMBOSS account, simply reach out to the channel admin @discounted_Amboss_Subscripe. Join the AMBOSS Telegram channel today and take your medical exam preparations to the next level!