Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad (@urssoarts) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad
यह टेलीग्राम चैनल निजी है।
3,428 सदस्य
350 तस्वीरें
22 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 04.03.2025 21:42

समान चैनल

Galeries La Banane
7,993 सदस्य
Amon’s Art Gallery ✨
5,695 सदस्य
🌤️SolarD0GG0 - ArtStash
2,410 सदस्य
MikroGoat Art
2,015 सदस्य
Pando's art channel
1,864 सदस्य
Burrserk´s Archive
1,441 सदस्य
Kousen's Art Channel
1,412 सदस्य

Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

06 Nov, 14:42


🫡🫡🫡 Speedpaint for this hottie
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

06 Nov, 14:42


^^ Brushs: Just download them and drag and drop them where your brushes are in CLIP STUDIO!
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

06 Nov, 14:41


Made a tutorial for my style of soft shading! The pens I listed that I use will be right under with the speed paint!
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

03 Nov, 21:49


Ollie in another precarious situation~
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

24 Oct, 22:35


Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

21 Oct, 21:02


Streaming a bit https://picarto.tv/Ursoo
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

20 Oct, 18:54


Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

19 Oct, 17:33


I didn’t think I’d have to say this, but please do not post your nudes in here 🙄 do that in the DMs
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

15 Oct, 02:07


Yall may see me changing some settings for the mod bot I use for just a second :)
Ursso's Art Dump/Notif Squad

15 Oct, 02:02


The PEOPLE ive had to remove this week... :/