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Last Updated 01.03.2025 04:48

The latest content shared by UPSC prelims MCQs CAPF NDA PSC on Telegram

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1. UPSC pyq analysis

2. Ncert 6 to 10th Geography

3. Indian History full

4. General science

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But the cut-off is not crossing at least 40% 😂😂😂

February 27 ( Yesterday )

For 35 questions ( each carries 2 marks ) = 70 marks

General Cut-off

26.98 / 70

With reference to Voting Powers of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), consider the following statements :

1. Admission of new members and budgetary matters require a simple majority, while the decision on other issues are taken by a two-thirds majority

2. Each sovereign state gets one vote and the votes are binding on the membership, except in budgetary matters

3. The Assembly has no binding votes or veto powers like the UN Security council

Consider the following statements:

1. The right to marry is not a fundamental right in India

2. In 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is not a fundamental right and that the Special Marriage Act and Foreign Marriage Act do not apply to same-sex couples

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NHRC has a total of

1. 13 members, including a chairperson

2. 5 full-time members

3. 7 deemed members

This channel provides notes of Newspaper like The hindu



Which of the following reasons may be attributed to excessive cold in North India during the winter season?
1. Cold winds coming from the Caspian Sea
2. Early-onset of easterly jet streams
3. Continentality of the north Indian region

“It is a basin with mountains and hills around, where the drainage is towards the center of the basin, and due to gradual deposition of sediments from basin margins, a nearly level plain forms at the center of basin”.