日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano @unojapano Channel on Telegram

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano



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日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano (Japanese)

『日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano』は、日本語能力試験(JLPT)の学習をサポートするTelegramチャンネルです。このチャンネルでは、日本語の初心者から上級者まで幅広いレベルの学習者が集まり、共に日本語のスキルを向上させています。nn「unojapano」は、このチャンネルの管理者であり、日本語教育に情熱を持つ方です。彼/彼女は専門知識を活かして、メンバーが効果的にJLPT試験に向けて準備できるようサポートしています。nnこのチャンネルでは、日本語の基礎から応用まで幅広い内容が提供されており、定期的なクイズや演習を通じてメンバーの学習意欲を高めています。さらに、公式ウェブサイトやSNSアカウントを通じて、さまざまな学習リソースや情報を提供しています。nn興味を持ち、日本語を学びたい方々にとって、「日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano」は理想的なコミュニティとなるでしょう。日本語のスキル向上を目指す方々にとって、このチャンネルは貴重なサポートネットワークとなること間違いありません。ぜひ、参加してみてください!nn- 公式ウェブサイト:https://unojapano.comnn- 公式FBファンページ:https://facebook.com/unojapanonn- Facebookグループ:https://facebook.com/groups/unojapanonn- YouTubeチャンネル:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UQ3dETaNNugxsjW5pDXBg

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

12 Feb, 05:51

☆ JLPT 模擬試験対策の本をSHAREします。


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

10 Feb, 14:34

☆ 迷惑メッセージ防止のため、今日から「Member Add承認Verify」を実施させて頂きます。

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

13 Jan, 05:09

《Update》Free Download

日本語直前対策 PDFs for All Levels from N1 to N5


Hope this help all pass the exam!

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

30 Dec, 10:07


How to watch Japanese Movie FREE in foreign country ?
Including: latest Japanese drama, anime, game-show, ...

✔️ Change your Appstore/Playstore into Japan country (FREE)
✔️ Search and Download one in these 2 free applications : テレ東動画 or ティーバー (TVer)
✔️ Search and Dowoad VPN-change tool: Tunnel bear (FREE REGISTER) etc
✔️ Connect to Japan VPN in Tunnel bear (Choose VPN Protocol -》Open VPN if using Iphone)
✔️ Open テレ東動画 or ティーバー (TVer) and just enjoy WATCHING all for FREE

Share Uno Japano Community if you like this information !
Thank you !

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

05 Dec, 13:29

<JLPT N4 12.2024 Script >


P/s: Share URL instead of screenshot. Thank you.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

03 Dec, 15:44

12.2024 JLPT Answer updated

☆ N5

☆ N4

☆ N3

☆ N2

☆ N1

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

03 Dec, 04:56

【QUESTION PAPER】JLPT N1 12.2024 Updated

Check other levels at Menu 《 JLPT Answer 《 Question paper


■ Sharing our Website URL instead of screenshot capture is a way to support us ! Thank you

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

03 Dec, 04:55

【QUESTION PAPER】JLPT N1 12.2024 Updated

Check other levels at Menu 《 JLPT Answer 《 Question paper


■ Sharing our Website URL instead of screenshot capture is a way to support us ! Thank you

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

03 Dec, 03:58

【Question book JLPT 12.2024】Updated


You can check question books at JLPT Answer menu.
We have done for most of levels.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

02 Dec, 17:55

This is the questions paper for the JLPT N2, December 2024. It includes test questions and examples covering language knowledge in areas such as characters, vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and listening comprehension.


Instead of sharing just a screenshot, please share the website directly! We earn revenue from ads, and every visit helps us continue providing free content. Your support by sharing the link unojapano.com helps us grow and improve. Thank you!

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

02 Dec, 09:36

Updated for the "Pass Score system" calculating.


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

02 Dec, 09:00

☆ Score Calculation for JLPT 12.2024 (reference)

Please share URL instead of the capture to support our website effort.


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 17:01

<JLPT N1 Full Detail Answer>

🇯🇵 From Admin : Share our Uno Japano Website widely as a warm support to us. Thank you!



日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 16:59

<JLPT N5 Full Detail Answer>

🇯🇵 From Admin : Share our Uno Japano Website widely as a warm support to us. Thank you!


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 16:57

<JLPT N2 Full Detail Answer>

🇯🇵 お願い From Admin : Share our Uno Japano Website widely as a warm support to us. Thank you!


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 16:43

I think some members have already seen this on some Chinese sources but I just arranged the paper into an easy-looking format.

Hope this help you to review the answer on exam.


Note: This is for Uno Japa o community and all effort collecting are free to see. Please share the website instead of sharing the screenshot as a support to us ! Thank you.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 16:38

Thanks to some members, we have uploaded the detail questions for some levels.

Please have a check again on website


Note: This is for comminity and all effort collecting are free to see. Please share the website instead of sharing the screenshot as a support to us ! Thank you.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 15:05

I don't mean this is the Score Calculations for JLPT 12.2024 but please consider it as reference until we release a new one, with correct number of questions.


Note: JLPT score system doesn't exist an accurate thing. All are just for reference because it's 尺度得点 system, which mean you will some time get 0 point for a question you're correct, some time you get more than 1-2 points per question.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 13:58

【JLPT N5 Reading Updated Answer - Full Parts】

We have uploaded N5 Reading part's answer.
Please carefully check


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 11:51

【JLPT N1 Answer has been updated】

☆☆ The Answer has been changed some questions. Please check carefully.

The script is also posted soon after a few more mins.


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 11:10

【FULL JLPT N3 12.2024】
Full Answer updated

https:// unojapano.com/answers-jlpt-n3-12-2024/

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 09:10

【All Level N1 N2 N3 N4 N5】
Answer updated ! Have a check.

The score calculation (Reference) will be released tonight.


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 08:40

< JLPT 12.2024 N4 Answer >

We have uploaded answer for some levels. Please have a check


Please use PC or Laptop for smooth access experiences

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 08:27

< JLPT 12.2024 N5 Answer >

We have uploaded answer for some levels. Please have a check

Other levels will be posted soon within a few mins:


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 07:58

< JLPT 12.2024 N1 Answer >

We have uploaded answer for some levels. Please have a check

Other levels will be posted at:



日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 07:08

< JLPT 12.2024 N2 Answer >

We have uploaded answer for some levels. Please have a check


Other levels will be posted at:


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

01 Dec, 05:32

< JLPT 12.2024 ANSWER >
We are updating the answer and hint on website / Menu JLPT answer
Please stay tuned and follow it.


Thank you

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

30 Nov, 17:05

< 🇯🇵 JLPT N1 - 12.2024 >

Don't miss your FINAL CHANCE to review essential kanji before stepping into the JLPT exam room! This is your opportunity to take a quick look at the kanji that have frequently appeared on test papers over the past five years. Who knows? You might see them again on your exam! Make the most of this moment and walk into the test with confidence—your success starts here!"


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

30 Nov, 16:56

< 🇯🇵 JLPT N2 - 12.2024 >

Don't miss your FINAL CHANCE to review essential kanji before stepping into the JLPT exam room! This is your opportunity to take a quick look at the kanji that have frequently appeared on test papers over the past five years. Who knows? You might see them again on your exam! Make the most of this moment and walk into the test with confidence—your success starts here!"


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

30 Nov, 16:04

< 🇯🇵 JLPT N3 - 12.2024 >

Don't miss your FINAL CHANCE to review essential kanji before stepping into the JLPT exam room! This is your opportunity to take a quick look at the kanji that have frequently appeared on test papers over the past five years. Who knows? You might see them again on your exam! Make the most of this moment and walk into the test with confidence—your success starts here!"


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

28 Oct, 15:31

🇯🇵 求人票 (240,000¥ - N3)
会社名: 西部電気建設 株式会社

~ 外国人新卒未経験 大歓迎 ~

仕事の内容: 電気工事管理

業務内容の詳細: 建設図面作成や電気工事の管理

一年目: 240,000円

二年目: 266,000円
三年目: 278,000円

会社の社宅あり (家賃 1,5万円)

ボーナス 年に3回 (7-12-3) 合計4~6ヶ月

Email: [email protected]

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

03 Oct, 07:31

《JLPT N3》漢字 ※ヒント
JLPT N3では、以下のような難しい漢字がよく出題されます。

■ 適 (てき)
適当 てきとう
適切 てきせつ

■ 価 (か)
価格 かかく
価値 かち

■ 観 (かん)
観察 かんさつ
観光 かんこう

■ 確 (かく)
確認 かくにん
確実 かくじつ

■ 務 (む)

■ 過 (か)

■ 願 (ねが)

■難 (なん)

■選 (せん)

■求 (きゅう)


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

16 Sep, 12:55

《To someone who want to practise with native Japanese speaker》

I found this Website as a good tool for learning Japanese communication even when you are not living in Japan.

■ Teacher nationality: JAPAN

■ Hourly tuition fee: 6$/hour
~ 850円/時間

■ USE this referral link for 70% Off with Trial lesson !!

Discount of ,[object Object], for lessons on Preply. All subjects, all tutors.

I see that it charges less than the average tuition fee ! Hope you guy enjoy it.

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

16 Sep, 06:55


1. エモい EMOI

2. やばい YABAI

3. ぴえん PIEN

4. それな SORENA

5. わかりみ WAKARIMI


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

07 Sep, 18:20

🇯🇵 日本語 文化の交流会
参加費: 無料 (ZOOM)
条件: 会話力 N3以上

■ 9月8日 (日)
■ 日本時間: 16:00 ~ 16:30 PM

@yon 様
@Harsh 様
@A 様

P/S: 今回参加したいですが、参加できない方はまた次回応募してください。

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

07 Sep, 18:00

🇯🇵 日本語 文化の交流会
参加費: 無料 (ZOOM)
条件: 会話力 N3以上

募集人数: 1名~3名

■ 9月8日 (日)
■ 日本時間: 16:00 ~ 16:30 PM




日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

24 Aug, 16:12

💥 JLPT Result remind

The online Test results announcement for JLPT 2024 (JULY) is available for viewing from 10:00 AM (Japan time) Monday


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

10 Aug, 07:03


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

08 Aug, 11:01

津波注意報 ◻️ 宮崎県


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

24 Jul, 09:25

< Japanese Restaurant / Front Recruiting>

FREE to apply - TAIHEIYO Company

1/ Working or Studying in Japan
2/ JLPT N3 above

Salary: 192,500 JPY / month

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

17 Jul, 09:23

< Gift to: Japanese learner (beginner)>

Here is attached Hiragana/Katakana writing format :

And this is what you should download (for free) for studying N5 level :

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

11 Jul, 08:12

< JLPT 7/2024 Full Listening Script update >


Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

10 Jul, 16:22

Gross salary and NET salary in Japan

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

09 Jul, 12:03

《JLPT N5 July 2024 》
Key Answer Uploaded

Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you
Admin Yuho


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

09 Jul, 12:02

《JLPT N4 July 2024 》
Key Answer Uploaded

Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you
Admin Yuho


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

09 Jul, 11:28

《JLPT N2 July 2024 Key Answer Uploaded》

Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you
Admin Yuho


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

09 Jul, 11:12

《JLPT N1 July 2024 Question book 問題用紙 Uploaded》

Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you
Admin Yuho


日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

09 Jul, 11:02

《JLPT N3 July 2024 Question book 問題用紙 Uploaded》


Please DO NOT use this for commercial purpose!

Thank you
Admin Yuho

日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

08 Jul, 17:14

《JLPT 採点方法•尺度得点》

Read this and you will know why there is no accuate JLPT score calculation formula.

All are for reference until the final result is announced by Japan Foundation.



日本語 JLPT N5~N1 Japanese language Unojapano

08 Jul, 04:19

<JLPT Score distribution> Reference


* This is for reference only, suitable for 2023 Dec. I will update 2024 July soon.





