UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG @unnes Channel on Telegram




Selamat datang di saluran resmi Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) di Telegram! Saluran ini adalah tempat yang sempurna bagi para mahasiswa, alumni, dan calon mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang segala hal yang terkait dengan UNNES. Dari pengumuman penting hingga acara kampus, saluran ini akan memberikan Anda semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan tanpa harus repot mencarinya

UNNES didirikan pada tahun 1965 dan telah menjadi salah satu universitas terkemuka di Indonesia. Dengan berbagai program studi yang berkualitas dan fasilitas pendidikan yang modern, UNNES menjadi pilihan utama bagi banyak siswa yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi. Saluran Telegram @unnes ini juga menyediakan kesempatan bagi pengikutnya untuk berdiskusi, berbagi pengalaman, dan terhubung dengan rekan-rekan sesama mahasiswa

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27 Mar, 13:14

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Peringati Nuzulul Quran FH UNNES Mengadakan Tadabur Nuzulul Quran

Rabu (27/03/2024) dalam rangka merayakan bulan Ramadhan, Fakultas Hukum menyelenggarakan “Tadabur Nuzulul Quran: Menggapai Makna dan Hikmah Ilahi.” Acara ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan “RAMASINTA–Ramadhan Serasi Penuh Cinta” yang secara khusus diadakan dalam rangka memperingati malam Nuzulul Quran.

Acara dibuka dengan sambutan oleh Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H.,M.H, selaku Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang. Dalam sambutannya, Prof Ali menegaskan bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan rutin yang akan diadakan setiap bulan Ramadhan dalam rangka memperingati Nuzulul Quran.

Kegiatan ini memperlihatkan komitmen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang untuk menjaga komitmen menyelaraskan ilmu hukum dengan nilai-nilai moralitas yang dapat diperoleh selama bulan suci Ramadhan.


14 Mar, 02:12

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Opening of a Series of Ramadhan Activities Entitled “RAMASINTA–Ramadan Harmonious Full of Love”

Wednesday (13/03/2024) in order to celebrate the month of Ramadan, the Faculty of Law held the Opening of “RAMASINTA – Ramadhan Harmonious Full of Love”. The activity was held thanks to collaboration between the UNNES Law Faculty and the Islamic Family of the UNNES Law Faculty.

The activity was held at the AL-AHKAM Musholla, Faculty of Law, UNNES, opened by Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H, as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University. Prof. Ali appreciated and gave full support for the implementation of student activities which contributed to the vibrant pursuit of the blessings of the month of Ramadan.

RAMASINTA itself will consist of several activities, which will be carried out during the month of Ramadan. Starting from “Negation of the Book of Ba’da Dhuhur Ahlul Hukum” which is held every Monday-Thursday, then there is the activity “Tahtiman Al-Quran and Breaking the Fast Together” on Wednesday, March 27 2024. Apart from that, there will also be “Tahtiman Al-Quran and Breaking the Fast Together” Sahur On The Road” on Friday, March 22 2024, and a series of other activities during the month of Ramadan.


14 Mar, 02:12

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Assistance activities for filling out Sinta and facilitating the creation of a Sinta account

Wednesday (13/03/2024) The Faculty of Law held assistance activities for filling out SINTA and facilities for creating SINTA accounts for lecturers and students. This activity was opened directly by Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H, as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University. In his speech, Prof. Ali gave direction regarding this activity with the aim of encouraging the academic activities of Law Faculty Lecturers and also Education Personnel at the Law Faculty. This is to continue to develop the reputation of the UNNES Law Faculty as a Law Faculty that provides space for academic activities.

The event which was held in the Dean’s GSG Room, 3rd Floor, also presented Prof. Dr. Widya Hary Cahyati, M.Kes. (Epid) as chairman of the Quality Assurance Group of the UNNES Research and Community Service Institute. Prof. Widya provides assistance regarding the synchronization of various research that has been carried out by lecturers and staff so that the research can receive SINTA recognition so that it can increase the competitiveness of lecturers and staff at the Faculty of Law.


01 Mar, 03:52

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Hukumonline Corner Completes Digitization of FH UNNES Library

Thursday (29/02/2024), the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University held the Inauguration of Hukumonline Corner and Socialization of the Use of Hukumonline Pro. This activity was attended by all the leadership of the UNNES Faculty of Law and also Amrie Hakim as Chief Media and Engagement Hukumonline, Dwi Indah as Customer Experience Hukumonline, Bernadetha Aurelia as Legal Editor Specialist.

The activity was opened by Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H, as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University. Prof. Ali expressed his appreciation for the collaboration between the UNNES Law Faculty and Hukumonline. Also accompanied by the hope of Prof. Ali hopes that this collaboration can improve the human resources of the UNNES Faculty of Law. Next, Amrie Hakim expressed his pride because the UNNES Law Faculty provided a suitable space for the Hukumonline Corner.

Collaboration between the UNNES Law Faculty and Hukumonline is a form of follow-up to the UNNES Law Faculty’s commitment to improving the quality of the entire academic community within the UNNES Law Faculty.


29 Feb, 15:58

Universitas Negeri Semarang
E-Journal Access Training for FH UNNES Academic Community

Thursday (29/02/2024), the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University held E-Journal Access Training. This activity was held in collaboration between the UNNES Faculty of Law, the Journal Cluster of the UNNES Research and Community Service Institute, and Westlaw.

This training is intended as a manifestation of the UNNES Faculty of Law’s commitment to increasing publications and improving the quality of publications of the entire UNNES academic community. The hope is that local issues in legal discourse can be raised to an international level. This is in line with the commitment of the UNNES Law Faculty to become a Law Faculty of international reputation


29 Feb, 15:58

Universitas Negeri Semarang
PPK-Ormawa Technical Guidance and Coaching Runs Smoothly

Thursday (29/02/2024), the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University held PPK-Ormawa Technical Guidance and Coaching. This activity presented Dr. Anis Widyawati, S.H., M.H as Chair of Scientific Writing, Faculty of Law, UNNES and Rayi Kharisma Rajib, S.H., M.Kn as Supervisor of PPK-Ormawa, Faculty of Law, UNNES.

The activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, FH Unnes, Dr. Indah Sri Utari, S.H., M.Hum. Mrs. Dr. Indah emphasized student participation in realizing their ideas in community service through PPK-Ormawa activity proposals.

Bimtek and Coaching PPK-Ormawa was held in the context of accelerating Student Organizations in carrying out community service. Besides that. The PPK-Ormawa Technical Guidance and Coaching is intended so that students get a clear picture of PPK-Ormawa so that in the future, apart from serving the community, students can also play an active role in the progress of the UNNES Faculty of Law.


25 Feb, 15:54

Universitas Negeri Semarang
UNNES Sunday Pahing Recitation with Gus Lukman: Reaching the Blessings of the Month of Sha’Ban

Sunday (25/02/2024) The Faculty of Law acted as the organizer of the Sunday Pahing Recitation with the theme “Reaching the Blessings of the Month of Sha’Ban for the Success of the Month of Ramadhan”. This event itself is the culmination of a series of Al-Qur’an Khataman activities which have been carried out by a series of Lecturers and Education Staff at the Faculty of Law, Unnes.

The Sunday Pahing recitation was attended directly by Prof. Dr. S Martono, M.Si, as Chancellor of Semarang State University. Also bringing in Gus Lukman as Caretaker of the Az Zuhri Islamic Boarding School. As well as implementing Sunday Pahing recitation activities, Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H, as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University.

Sunday Pahing recitation is carried out by the Faculty of Law in order to prepare for the blessed month, namely the holy month of Ramadhan. This activity also confirms the commitment of the Unnes Faculty of Law to achieve excellence, not only in legal discourse in general but also in religious activities to create jurists who believe in God.


13 Feb, 09:32

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Inauguration of the President, Vice President of BEM, Chair of UKM and Chair of Study Groups within FH UNNES

Tuesday (13/02/2024), the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University held a simultaneous inauguration of all heads of Student Affairs Institutions and Student Activity Units.

The heads of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units read the Integrity Pact simultaneously which was then followed up by signing the Integrity Pact with the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, FH Unnes, Dr. Indah Sri Utari, S.H., M.Hum. The Integrity Pact contains a series of mutually agreed commitments, especially regarding maintaining the dignity of Student Affairs Institutions and Student Activity Units.

The Head of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units was appointed directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Unnes, Prof. Dr. Ali Mashhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H. In his speech, Prof. Ali (greeting Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H) emphasized that the Head of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units should be of service in developing the banner of brilliance at the Faculty of Law, Unnes.


01 Feb, 10:59

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Ongoing! Coordination Meeting for Initial Lecture Preparations for Even Semester 2023/2024

The meeting was opened by the Dean of FH UNNES, Prof. Dr. Ali Mashhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H. Prof. Ali instructed that the even semester teaching system should be directed at encouraging students’ abilities in various aspects. Lecturers, according to him, must be actively involved in developing student knowledge. In order to create a Unnes Faculty of Law that is able to compete nationally.

At the same time, the Deputy Dean for Field I, Dr. Indah Sri Utari, S.H., M.Hum reiterated that lectures will be held offline on February 5 2024. This addresses the confusing news regarding lectures at the start of the semester.


25 Jan, 10:25

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Maintain Glory and Reputation in 2024 FH UNNES Holds Working Meeting in Magelang

FH.UNNES.AC.ID – Semarang, in progress! Unnes Faculty of Law Working Meeting in 2024 at the Aria Hotel, Magelang City. The Unnes Faculty of Law Working Meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Ngabiyanto, M.Sc. as Deputy Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation and Information Systems UNNES. In his speech, Prof. Ngabiyanto emphasized the need to accelerate the achievements of the Faculty of Law amidst the extraordinary achievements of the Faculty of Law in 2023.

The Unnes Law Faculty Working Meeting will last for 2 (two) days, starting on January 25-26 2024. On the first day, the Unnes Law Faculty Working Meeting will focus on work projections that will be carried out over the next year. Prof. Dr. Ali Mahsyar, S.H., M.H as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Unnes, emphasized the acceleration of human resources at the Faculty of Law, Unnes in 2024, especially Prof. Ali emphasized that Unnes Law Faculty lecturers should be involved in academic work to develop the careers of Unnes Law Faculty lecturers.


08 Dec, 11:37

UNNES TV - Inspirasi Wisudawan 118 Indah Novy Yarman



06 Dec, 09:52

UNNES TV - Wisudawan Peraih Medali Perunggu PIMNAS 2023



06 Dec, 02:24

UNNES TV - Inspirasi Wisudawan Adil Tigo Abdillah



05 Dec, 11:44

Pengumpulan Berkas Kelengkapan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kpd Masyarakat Sumber Dana DPA LPPM UNNES 2023

Kami informasikan bahwa memperhatikan isi Surat Perjanjian Penugasan dalam rangka pelaksanaan penelitian dan pengabdian sumber dana DPA LPPM UNNES 2023 terkait dengan waktu pengumpulan dokumen laporan akhir penelitian yang telah […]


01 Dec, 10:33

Tawaran Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat DPA LPPM UNNES 2024

Kami Informasikan bahwa UNNES membuka pendaftaran penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sumber dana DPA LPPM UNNES 2024 bagi Dosen, Tenaga Kependidikan Fungsional Khusus, Organisasi Kemahasiswaan, Mahasiswa S2 dan S3. Unggah […]


28 Nov, 02:58

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Dean of FH UNNES Becomes Public Lecture Resource Person and Signs Collaboration with Bengkulu University

FH UNNES, Bengkulu, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University Dr Ali Masyhar Mursyid SH MH was a resource person in the Public Lecture on Retroactive Principles in Criminal Law: Theory, Positive Law and Practice which was held on Monday, 27 November 2023 at Bengkulu University.

The event, which took place in International Room 1, Faculty of Law, Bengkulu University, also included the signing of a collaboration in the field of higher education tridharma between the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University and the Faculty of Law, University of Bengukulu.
The activity was attended directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Bengkulu University, Mr Dr Amancik SH MHum together with leaders within the FH UNIB environment, students and public lecture activities were carried out in a hybrid manner via zoom meeting.


22 Nov, 11:01

UNNES TV dalam Semenit
