UNIFIL / اليونيفيل - UN peacekeeping in south Lebanon (English)
Welcome to the official Telegram channel of UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon! Our mission is to promote peace and stability in south Lebanon, working towards a safer and more secure environment for all. Through our peacekeeping efforts, we strive to prevent conflict, protect civilians, and support the Lebanese government in maintaining peace and security.
On this channel, you can stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and initiatives from UNIFIL. We provide insights into our peacekeeping operations, share stories of our impact on the ground, and engage with our followers to raise awareness about the importance of peacekeeping in the region.
To learn more about UNIFIL and our work, visit our website at unifil.unmissions.org. You can also connect with us directly on Telegram by contacting us at @UNIFIL_. Join us in our efforts to build a better future for south Lebanon and promote peace and security in the region. Together, we can make a difference!