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Umar Quinn
Sharing beneficial advices with those searching for goodness.
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Son Güncelleme 06.03.2025 15:34

Umar Quinn tarafından Telegram'da paylaşılan en son içerikler

Umar Quinn

04 Mar, 21:13

Live stream started
Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 23:17


Sh. Arafat al Muhammadi:

To the wise ones,

The believer is strengthened by his brothers, and Allah reinforces him through them. [As the Quran states,] “We will strengthen you with your brother” (Qur’an 28:35). Therefore, it is crucial to avoid isolating yourself from your brothers and belittling their efforts. Show patience with their mistakes and offer them sincere advice in private.

However, it is important to be aware that the devils among jinn and humans have the ability to sow discord between you and your brothers. Recall the supplication of Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, “My Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Your mercy” (Qur’an 7:151).

In light of this, we urge students of knowledge to strive for unity among the Muslim community. We encourage them to guide the youth towards seeking knowledge, emphasize the importance of creed and the books of Tawheed, teach people the Sunnah, and spread knowledge among them.

Additionally, we emphasize the need to avoid the seeds of division and all that leads to discord. We encourage students to refer back to the scholars and exercise patience with the ignorant.

[Lastly], we urge wise individuals to refrain from using social media as a platform to air their disputes.
Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 23:07


إلى العقلاء
Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 23:05

Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 21:42

Live stream finished (23 minutes)
Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 21:18

Live stream started
Umar Quinn

03 Mar, 12:35


💎[Benefit from Day 3 Reading: Āl ‘Imrān: 159; Mutual Consultation]

🖊️Imam al-Sa’dī (d. 1376 -رحمه الله-) outlines four essential benefits of mutual consultation:

"And consult them on the matter"—referring to issues that require consultation, consideration, and thought. In consultation, there are countless benefits, both religious and worldly:

1️⃣ One important aspect is that consultation serves as an act of worship through which one seeks closeness to Allah.

2️⃣ Another benefit is that it calms their thoughts and alleviates what burdens their hearts during incidents. When someone in authority gathers those with opinions and virtues to consult about an incident, their souls find peace; they admire him and realize that he is not acting dictatorially but is genuinely considering the collective interest of all. This inspires them to invest their efforts and abilities in obeying him, recognizing his commitment to public interests. In contrast, those who do not act this way are rarely loved sincerely, nor do they follow him; and if they do, it is only partial obedience.

3️⃣Among them is the fact that engaging participants in their purpose during consultations illuminates thoughts, resulting in an increase in intellect.

4️⃣Among them is the valid opinion that consulting helps those who seek advice to rarely make errors in judgment. Furthermore, if they do err or fail to meet their goals, they are not to blame.

If Allah instructs His Messenger ﷺ—who is the most complete in intellect, the broadest in knowledge, and the best in opinion—"And consult them on the matter," what can be said about others?

Then Allah, the Exalted, said: "And when you have made a decision"—that is, after considering a matter that requires consultation—"then place your trust in Allah." This signifies relying on Allah’s power and strength while relinquishing your own.

"Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon Him and seek refuge in Him. "
Umar Quinn

19 Feb, 20:24


Table of contents for “Returning to Eden”

Available now (Amazon link) 👇
US 🔗
Umar Quinn

19 Feb, 12:35


🎆Available Now! 🎆

📢 New Release: A Great Ramadan Read📢

📖 Returning to Eden: Lessons from the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Adam (عليه السلام)

Scholarly Insights from the Works of:
Ibn al Qayyim (d. 751 AH)
Ibn Kathir (d. 774 AH)
Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd al Wahhāb (d. 1206 AH)
Al-Sa’dī (d. 1376 AH)
Hafiz Al Hakamī (d. 1377 AH)
Al-Mu’allimī (d. 1386 AH)
Al-Shinqiti (d. 1393 AH)
And Many Others (رحمهم الله جميعا)

Embark on a transformative journey with Returning to Eden, a carefully researched book that unveils the timeless wisdom of Adam’s creation, fall, and redemption. 🌿

🔹 Discover the divine purpose behind mankind’s origin and ultimate return to Allah’s mercy.
🔹 Gain insights into the cosmic order, the battle against Satan, and the lessons hidden in Adam’s story.
🔹 Strengthen your spiritual awareness and reconnect with your Creator.

A must-read for those seeking deeper faith, self-awareness, and guidance in today’s world!

#ReturningToEden #IslamicWisdom #SpiritualGrowth

Amazon link 👇 👇 👇
US 🔗
Umar Quinn

16 Feb, 23:52


🎓Shaykh Sālim Bāmaḥriz Clarifies & Retracts from his Statement: ❝Whoever Does Not Take Knowledge from Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham is Misguided and Misguiding Others❞

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allāh, may He raise the rank and grant peace to our Prophet Muḥammad, his family, and all his companions. To proceed...

There is an audio recording in which I spoke about seeking knowledge and whom one should refer back to. And I mentioned Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham; however, they are not infallible. It was understood from my words—or perhaps the way I phrased it—that whoever does not take knowledge from them is misguided and misguiding others. This is incorrect; such a statement is not what I intended.

Additionally, there are Mashāyikh from Ahlus-Sunnah in Britain—many, in fact—whom I may not even know. Some of them have acquired beneficial Islamic knowledge from the scholars, and Allāh has blessed them with it, allowing them to teach based on sound evidences from the Qurʾān and Sunnah. Such individuals should be referred to, their lessons should be attended, their answers to questions should be considered, as long as they are based on sound Islamic proofs. Therefore, it is not limited to the teachers at Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham alone.

Furthermore, one can benefit from some esteemed teachers, whether they reside in Britain or outside, such as our brother Shaykh Ḥasan aṣ-Ṣūmālī, as well as Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm, Mūsā Richardson, ʿUmar Quinn, Abū Muḥammad al-Maghribī, and many others, whether in Europe, America, or elsewhere. This is clear.

In any case, we should strive for balance and moderation in our approach, and establish the Salafī Daʿwah wherever we are—whether scholars, teachers, or students of knowledge. This does not mean that we should become partisan towards any individual. Rather, we must educate people and clarify the correct path of calling to Allāh, supporting this religion with the words of the scholars—both from the Salaf and those who followed them—all of them are upon goodness, in-shāʾ-Allāh.

Moreover, there should be mutual advice and correction whenever mistakes or shortcomings occur, for no one is perfect. The affair is that of Religion and Religion is advice. Through this, I hope to clarify that I did not intend to limit knowledge to Maktabah Salafiyyah alone. If I had said that, then I was mistaken. Rather, knowledge should be taken from those who are known for their knowledge, who adhere to the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah, and who are recognized for that without contradicting it. Such Mashāyikh should be referred to, regardless of where they are. This is what I wished to clarify.

All praise belongs to Allāh; there are mosques and Islamic centers in Britain that hold lessons and conferences. Some of these mosques invite graduates from the Islamic University, and Allāh has benefitted people through them. They play a significant role in delivering lectures and lessons. These individuals are also from Ahlus-Sunnah, and knowledge can be taken from them, in-shāʾ-Allāh.

If I made an error in speech or if my words were misunderstood, I retract from that. And all praise belongs to Allāh in all circumstances.

We ask Allāh to grant us and you steadfastness until we meet Him while He is pleased with us, and to protect us from trials, both apparent and hidden. And Allāh is the One whose help is sought.

Said by: Abū Anwar Sālim bin ʿAbdillah Bāmaḥriz

May Allah grant success to all. Ḥayyākumullāh!
as-Salāmu ʿAlaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.


✍🏼Translation: Zubayr bin Muḥammad ʿAbbāsī, slightly adapted for readability