آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط Umar Quinn در تلگرام
Umar Quinn
27 Jan, 03:03
For the 3rd day in a row “The Five Pillars of a Happy Muslim Home” is the #1 new release in Islam & 2 other categories on Amazon. اللهم بارك.
300+ pages of scholarly insights.
Amazon is currently offering a 10% discount on the book.
Link ⬇️
📖 a.co/d/8RHWbE6
Umar Quinn
22 Jan, 20:26
Al Hamdulillah. The new book is available and live on Amazon:
The Five Pillars of a Happy Muslim Home is a comprehensive guide for those preparing for marriage, parents seeking suitable suitors for their children, and couples looking to strengthen their relationships. Drawing insights from early and contemporary scholars, this book offers an in-depth exploration of marital love and the importance of choosing a spouse for the right reasons. It thoroughly explains marriage in Islam and the key principles contributing to a happy and lasting union.
Marriage in Islam serves five core purposes: chastity, which fulfills natural desires lawfully; children, to raise righteous youth; companionship, to build a supportive and loving family; community, strengthening society through the marriage bond; and commitment, ensuring a lasting union through the right intentions.
The book is divided into three chapters:
Chapter 1: The Blessing of an Islamic Marriage This chapter presents marriage as a sacred bond that requires dedication and effort. It emphasizes marriage's spiritual and social benefits and positions it as a prophetic tradition that provides numerous blessings.
Chapter 2: The Secret Behind Spousal Love This chapter focuses on the foundation of love in marriage and explores the roles of faith, mutual respect, character, honesty, and conflict resolution in building lasting affection between spouses.
Chapter 3: Marrying for the Right Reasons The final chapter highlights the significance of intention in marriage and aligns it with the five core objectives. It delves into the essential aspects of marriage, such as family responsibilities, financial support, and cooperation, offering a balanced approach to marital life.
The book concludes by addressing two questionable marriage practices: those entered with the intention of divorce and misyār marriage, offering thoughtful insights into their potential risks.
This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to build a happy, blessed Muslim home in alignment with Islamic values. Success is with Allah alone.
In your interactions with people, sit with the people of faith and choose honest companions. Exert your effort in bringing happiness to others, even if it is merely with a kind word, and always strive to have the high hand (i.e., to be in a position to give).
When you give, do not expect anything in return. If you are met with ingratitude, do not be upset. Instead, expecting such reactions is gentler on your heart and more comforting to your mind.
And know that good character is not based on reciprocal exchange but on following (the Sunnah).
✍🏻Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ghalib al-‘Umari – may Allah preserve him.
Umar Quinn
11 Jan, 04:37
في علاقتك بالناس، جالس أهل الإيمان، وتخيّر أهل الصدق. وابذل وسعك في إسعاد الآخرين؛ ولو بكلمة طيبة، وكن صاحب اليد العليا. وإن بذلت فلا تنتظر المقابل، وإن قوبلت بالنكران فلا تبتئس، بل توقّعك لذلك أرفق بقلبك، وأريح لخاطرك. واعلم أنّ الأخلاق ليست بالمقايضة بل بالاتباع.
✍🏻الشيخ: محمد بن غالب العُمري -حفظه الله-.
Umar Quinn
09 Jan, 23:14
Another forthcoming book (بإذن الله): A very detailed collection of advices on the role of parents, educators, and community members in preparing youth for adulthood by inculcating and exemplifying knowledge, ambition, and character.
Umar Quinn
09 Jan, 09:26
💥Just as we have been commanded to increase the Ummah through marriage and procreation, we are also urged to focus on cultivating quality individuals—both in ourselves and in those we raise—so as not to disappoint the Prophet ﷺ. [excerpt from The Five Pillars of a Happy Muslim Home]
Umar Quinn
07 Jan, 15:40
💎[Precious & Powerful Advice: 💥 An Ideal Marriage is the Truest Type of Friendship] Excerpt from forthcoming publication (يسر الله إخراجه) 📖:
Umar Quinn
07 Jan, 15:30
Shaykh al-’Allāmah Rabīʿ al-Madkhalī (may Allah preserve him) said in Al-Dhariat (3/215):
“Anyone who feels an itch in their head and then posts their troubles on the internet—leave such matters. Speak with knowledge that honors you and your daʿwah. Whoever does not possess knowledge should not write for people, whether on the internet or elsewhere. Avoid hatred and grudges; otherwise, by Allah, you will destroy this daʿwah.” End of quote.
Umar Quinn
07 Jan, 15:30
قال الشيخ العلاَّمة ربيع المدخلي -حفظه الله- في "الذريعة ٢١٥/٣":
"كل من حَكّه رأسَه وضع بلاءَه في الإنترنت، اتركوا هذه الأشياء، تكلّموا بعلم يشرفكم ويشرف دعوتكم، والذي ما عنده علم لا يكتب للنّاس لا في إنترنت ولا في غيره، وابتعدوا عن الأحقاد والضغائن، وإلاّ والله ستميتون هذه الدعوة" اهـ. • http://t.me/madinasona
Umar Quinn
04 Jan, 15:14
This soon to be released publication (إن شاء الله) is the culmination of work spanning many years. I had hoped to release it two years ago for a local seminar. I revisited it and fleshed it out, by Allah’s permission, to its current version. It is a little over 300 pages, and was compiled from well over 100 scholarly writings. May Allah accept our small efforts and allow others to benefit as I did in researching & compiling it. Islam is beautiful and nobody is better at explaining that than the Ulemā. May Allah envelop them in his mercy.